Picolisp Chat Program

Computing | Picolisp | ASM | pil sources

A Study

Once you have downloaded the picolisp sources you will find a folder called misc inside the main picoLisp folder. This has various example programs that are great to study.

In this article we are going to study the code inside the chat program.

The whole source for this is at the bottom of the article for reference.

Running Chat

Firstly make sure the permissions are set correctly. In bash type:
 $ chmod 755 chat
The program works as a chat server. We will first edit the server file to point to the correct binaries and libraries. Then we will open two additional terminals within which we will simulate a chat between two parties.

The file comes with a 'shebang' on line 1, this line points the file to the correct pil binaries & sources when running the program as a script.

We will will edit it to point to the right place in your system.

#!bin/picolisp lib.l
change it to:

#!/home/emperor/picoLisp/bin/picolisp /home/emperor/picoLisp/lib.l

Now, I am assuming that you installed picolisp in your home folder. Mine is called /home/emperor . Do whats right in your particular circumstance.

Now the server is ready to run. Inside the folder misc/chat in the terminal run:
$ ./chat
The server is now running and ready to accept connections.


Now open two separate terminals. We are going to use telnet to connect to the server.

telnet uses the following command signature:

$ telnet host port
in this particular case our host is localhost and our port is 4004 as set on line 12 of the source. So type:
$ telnet localhost 4004
you should see the following output:


Type in a name and do the same again in the second terminal and you will now is the out put in the first terminal.


You are ready to chat. So play around.

(Learn about telnet and client-server programming here)

Now you may find it hard to exit from telnet when pressing ctrl-C. Fear not. Telnet captures this sequence as an input and the input is not caught by the terminal it self.

This is the explanation I found on Stackoverflow:
The reason Ctrl+C doesn't interrupt or suspend the connection is that an interrupt signal or a Ctrl+C
often needs to be passed through to the remote end (so you can break programs there, if you're working
on a remote shell), which wouldn't be possible if the telnet client intercepted it for its own purposes.
– blubberdiblub
So if your on Ubuntu or some flavour of linux this should work:
> quit
Now that we have understood how the chat works and played around with it, lets try to understand the code. Its amazing what you can achieve with just 32 lines of code!

Examining the Source

All picolisp programs kind of start the same way.
  1 #!/home/emperor/picoLisp/bin/picolisp /home/emperor/picoLisp/lib.l
  2 # 14jun17abu
  4 # *Port *Sock *Name
Line 1 is a Unix convention to tell the terminal which interpreter to use. In this case picolisp with the library lib.l

Line 2 is a comment telling you when the file was last modified any by who, abu (short for Alexander Burger, creator of picolisp) in this case.

Line 4 tells you which Globals are in use (*Variable, is a picolisp convention).

Line 6 - 9. Here, we define the chat function. Lets ignore it for now as how it is used becomes apparent later.

Line 12 - Working with TCP Sockets.
(setq *Port (port 4004))
we call (port 4004) and set it to the global ![*Port} for easy reference.

This what a call to port does:
Opens a TCP-Port and returns a socket descriptor which we can use to connect to the port.
We do this later with listen.

So we know to look out for either a listen or accept later in the code.

lines 14-17: This use of loop is an idiomatic picolisp style for writing client-server code.

Let's examine it in detail.
 14 (loop
 15    (setq *Sock (listen *Port))
 16    (NIL (fork) (close *Port))
 17    (close *Sock) )
Line 14 Starts a loop. This is good point to look at the Picolisp Reference for how a loop works.

Essentially, we are entering an infinite loop with conditional exits.

Here there is only one conditional exit, on line 16.

When we load the chat program, the code will run (from line 1 to 13) until Line 14 when the process enters a 'potentially' infinite loop doomed to repeat lines 15 - 17 again and again.

Let's examine what happens now.

Line 15 We start listening to the *Port we just established on line 12 with the TCP Protocol.

When executing listen, your program will just wait there 'indefinitely' until a connection is made.

That's why we used telnet localhost 4004 earlier, precisely to connect with this port. Assuming this is done, listen will return with a file descriptor, which we then set to *Sock.

Line 16 This is the core of our client-server pattern. We have a conditional exit point in the loop. We will spawn a new process here with a call to fork.

So lets name these processes incrementally (so we don't get confused).

Our current process is process 0 also called the server. It will fork new child processes in sequential order named Process 1, 2, ....

So here in Line 15, two things happen,
  1. In process 0 i.e. the Server, fork will return some number, which is never NIL. The Exit condition of the loop is NOT met, so we move on to line 17. Line 16 has no other effect.

    Line 17 we close the connection to *Sock. And restart the loop. Process 0 will go back to line 15 and wait another connection. The server (process 0) closes it's connection with the telnet process. No data from telnet will reach the server anymore. Which is fine and what we want. That is left to the child.
  2. Fork creates a new process, which is essentially a copy of process 0. It has the same state, it is in the same place, it was just at the place (fork) was called EXCEPT fork returns NIL. This time the loop exit condition is met.
    (close *Port)
    is executed. The child process will not be in a position to listen for anymore connections. Neither should it. It is already connected to the telnet session we used to connect to it.
So to summarize line 19 - 21 in process 1 we send data via out to our telnet process.

Line 20 we print "Please enter your name: " so this line appears in our telnet process.

Line 21 we flush all buffered data to our output. In Unix, a newline automatically flushes stdout, but here we don't have a newline here.

Line 22 We presume that a person on the telnet process types a name and presses ENTER. So we use in. (line T) takes the input typed and converts it to a string. See line.

We then set that to the global *Name so that we have a reference to it.

line 24 Use of Family Inter Process Communication using tell.

tell is interesting. It takes its arguments and converts it into a list. This list is then executed in all processes that are either children of the process or siblings of the process. That is all process 1, 2 onwards.

So take the line
(tell 'chat "+++ " *Name " arrived +++")
this is effectively converted to:
(chat "+++ " *Name " arrived +++")
and executed in every client process created by the server. So effectively, When we open telnet for the second chat window there by creating process 2, it's sibling Process 1, will execute this code. Printing:
+++ Vikid arrived +++
in the first terminal of the telnet process.

This code, line 6-9, should now be familiar:
  6 (de chat Lst
  7    (out *Sock
  8       (mapc prin Lst)
  9       (prinl) ) )
Each process has it's own handle *Sock, the TCP connection.

It prints the arguments given to chat, namely, "+++ " *Name " arrived +++", then prints a newline with prinl

We are now approaching the end of the code.

Line 26 - 31

We have done a lot of work, and we haven't even started chatting! So these next few lines will finally take care of that :-)

Of course once you finish chatting. You would like your code, to close all revelant connections and processes like a good citizen, and perhaps even notify other people that you have left, so they don't keep chatting to you.

So let's see how it is done.

Read up on task, *Run and wait first.
 26 (task *Sock
 27    (in @
 28       (ifn (eof)
 29          (tell 'chat *Name "> " (line T))
 30          (tell 'chat "--- " *Name " left ---")
 31          (bye) ) ) )
 32 (wait)
Line 26 This can be simplified conceptually to
  (task *Sock (some code to run))
That is setup a task to run some code when data arrives at *Sock.

Line 32 We then make a call to (wait).

That is our processes (1, 2, etc...) will sit and wait for some data to come in.

When the data arrives, the task we set up, which is now sitting in the *Run global, fires of the code in lines 27 - 31.

Lines 27 - 31

Line 27 Here the @ is set to *Sock, as *Run tasks act like flow functions.

Line 28 So we take 1 of 2 options.
  1. If we do not encounter a End-of-File, eof, then,

    use tell to broadcast the contents received from (line T) to all client processes (1, 2, ...). This is the heart of the Chat!

  2. line 30 Else, if you do encounter a eof, then broadcast "--- " *Name "left ---" and,

    line 31 Exit the process with (bye), this will automatically close all open file descriptors and the process will free all memory back to your OS.

Line 32 wait for data to come in on *Sock, and then fire the appropriate task attached to it in *Run.

We're done.


So that brings us to an end of the source, hopefully every line of this code is now understood. The next task for me, is to extend this little program.

For example, how about adding a private chat feature between any two parties or getting a list of current users. Perhaps sending files to each other?

Who knows, the options are endless.

If you liked this 'study'. The please find me on the #picolisp channel on IRC under the name vikid.

I would love to hear from you.



Source of misc/chat:

#!/home/emperor/picoLisp/bin/picolisp /home/emperor/picoLisp/lib.l
# 13jun17abu

# *Port *Sock *Name

(de chat Lst
   (out *Sock
      (mapc prin Lst)
      (prinl) ) )

(setq *Port (port 4004))

   (setq *Sock (listen *Port))
   (NIL (fork) (close *Port))
   (close *Sock) )

(out *Sock
   (prin "Please enter your name: ")
   (flush) )
(in *Sock (setq *Name (line T)))

(tell 'chat "+++ " *Name " arrived +++")

(task *Sock
   (in @
      (ifn (eof)
         (tell 'chat *Name "> " (line T))
         (tell 'chat "--- " *Name " left ---")
         (bye) ) ) )


18jun17   admin
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