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/* 26aug16abu
 * (c) Software Lab. Alexander Burger

#include "pico.h"

#ifdef __CYGWIN__
#include <sys/file.h>
#define fcntl(fd,cmd,fl) 0

static any read0(bool);

// I/O Tokens
enum {NIX, BEG, DOT, END};

static char Delim[] = " tnr"'(),[]`~{}";
static int StrI;
static cell StrCell, *StrP;
static bool Sync;
static pid_t Talking;
static byte *PipeBuf, *PipePtr;
static void (*PutSave)(int);
static byte TBuf[] = {INTERN+4, 'T'};

static void openErr(any ex, char *s) {err(ex, NULL, "%s open: %s", s, strerror(errno));}
static void closeErr(void) {err(NULL, NULL, "Close error: %s", strerror(errno));}
static void eofErr(void) {err(NULL, NULL, "EOF Overrun");}
static void badInput(void) {err(NULL, NULL, "Bad input '%c'", Chr);}
static void badFd(any ex, any x) {err(ex, x, "Bad FD");}
static void lockErr(void) {err(NULL, NULL, "File lock: %s", strerror(errno));}
static void writeErr(char *s) {err(NULL, NULL, "%s write: %s", s, strerror(errno));}
static void selectErr(any ex) {err(ex, NULL, "Select error: %s", strerror(errno));}

static void lockFile(int fd, int cmd, int typ) {
   struct flock fl;

   fl.l_type = typ;
   fl.l_whence = SEEK_SET;
   fl.l_start = 0;
   fl.l_len = 0;
   while (fcntl(fd, cmd, &fl) < 0  &&  typ != F_UNLCK)
      if (errno != EINTR)

void closeOnExec(any ex, int fd) {
   if (fcntl(fd, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC) < 0)
      err(ex, NULL, "SETFD %s", strerror(errno));

int nonblocking(int fd) {
   int flg = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL, 0);

   fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, flg | O_NONBLOCK);
   return flg;

inFile *initInFile(int fd, char *nm) {
   inFile *p;

   if (fd >= InFDs) {
      int i = InFDs;

      InFiles = alloc(InFiles, (InFDs = fd + 1) * sizeof(inFile*));
         InFiles[i] = NULL;
      while (++i < InFDs);
   p = InFiles[fd] = alloc(InFiles[fd], sizeof(inFile));
   p->fd = fd;
   p->ix = p->cnt = p->next = 0;
   p->line = p->src = 1;
   p->name = nm;
   return p;

outFile *initOutFile(int fd) {
   outFile *p;

   if (fd >= OutFDs) {
      int i = OutFDs;

      OutFiles = alloc(OutFiles, (OutFDs = fd + 1) * sizeof(outFile*));
         OutFiles[i] = NULL;
      while (++i < OutFDs);
   p = OutFiles[fd] = alloc(OutFiles[fd], sizeof(outFile));
   p->tty = isatty(p->fd = fd);
   p->ix = 0;
   return p;

void closeInFile(int fd) {
   inFile *p;

   if (fd < InFDs && (p = InFiles[fd])) {
      if (p == InFile)
         InFile = NULL;
      free(p->name),  free(p),  InFiles[fd] = NULL;

void closeOutFile(int fd) {
   outFile *p;

   if (fd < OutFDs && (p = OutFiles[fd])) {
      if (p == OutFile)
         OutFile = NULL;
      free(p),  OutFiles[fd] = NULL;

int slow(inFile *p, bool nb) {
   int n, f;

   p->ix = p->cnt = 0;
   for (;;) {
      if (nb)
         f = nonblocking(p->fd);
      n = read(p->fd, p->buf, BUFSIZ);
      if (nb)
         fcntl(p->fd, F_SETFL, f);
      if (n > 0)
         return p->cnt = n;
      if (n == 0) {
         p->ix = p->cnt = -1;
         return 0;
      if (errno == EAGAIN)
         return -1;
      if (errno != EINTR)
         return 0;
      if (*Signal)

int rdBytes(int fd, byte *p, int cnt, bool nb) {
   int n, f;

   for (;;) {
      if (nb)
         f = nonblocking(fd);
      n = read(fd, p, cnt);
      if (nb)
         fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, f);
      if (n > 0) {
         for (;;) {
            if ((cnt -= n) == 0)
               return 1;
            p += n;
            while ((n = read(fd, p, cnt)) <= 0) {
               if (!n || errno != EINTR)
                  return 0;
               if (*Signal)
      if (n == 0)
         return 0;
      if (errno == EAGAIN)
         return -1;
      if (errno != EINTR)
         return 0;
      if (*Signal)

bool wrBytes(int fd, byte *p, int cnt) {
   int n;

   for (;;) {
      if ((n = write(fd, p, cnt)) >= 0) {
         if ((cnt -= n) == 0)
            return YES;
         p += n;
      else {
         if (errno == EBADF || errno == EPIPE || errno == ECONNRESET)
            return NO;
         if (errno != EINTR) {
            if (fd == STDERR_FILENO)
         if (*Signal)

static void clsChild(int i) {
   if (Child[i].pid == Talking)
      Talking = 0;
   Child[i].pid = 0;
   close(Child[i].hear),  close(Child[i].tell);

static void wrChild(int i, byte *p, int cnt) {
   int n;

   if (Child[i].cnt == 0) {
      for (;;) {
         if ((n = write(Child[i].tell, p, cnt)) >= 0) {
            if ((cnt -= n) == 0)
            p += n;
         else if (errno == EAGAIN)
         else if (errno == EPIPE || errno == ECONNRESET) {
         else if (errno != EINTR)
   n = Child[i].cnt;
   Child[i].buf = alloc(Child[i].buf, n + sizeof(int) + cnt);
   *(int*)(Child[i].buf + n) = cnt;
   memcpy(Child[i].buf + n + sizeof(int), p, cnt);
   Child[i].cnt += sizeof(int) + cnt;

bool flush(outFile *p) {
   int n;

   if (p && (n = p->ix)) {
      p->ix = 0;
      return wrBytes(p->fd, p->buf, n);
   return YES;

void flushAll(void) {
   int i;

   for (i = 0; i < OutFDs; ++i)

/*** Low level I/O ***/
static int stdinByte(void) {
   inFile *p;

   if ((p = InFiles[STDIN_FILENO]) && (p->ix != p->cnt || (p->ix >= 0 && slow(p,NO))))
      return p->buf[p->ix++];
   if (!isatty(STDIN_FILENO))
      return -1;

static int getBinary(void) {
   if (!InFile || InFile->ix == InFile->cnt && (InFile->ix < 0 || !slow(InFile,NO)))
      return -1;
   return InFile->buf[InFile->ix++];

static any rdNum(int cnt) {
   int n, i;
   any x;
   cell c1;

   if ((n = getBin()) < 0)
      return NULL;
   i = 0,  Push(c1, x = box(n));
   if (--cnt == 62) {
      do {
         do {
            if ((n = getBin()) < 0)
               return NULL;
            byteSym(n, &i, &x);
         } while (--cnt);
         if ((cnt = getBin()) < 0)
            return NULL;
      } while (cnt == 255);
   while (--cnt >= 0) {
      if ((n = getBin()) < 0)
         return NULL;
      byteSym(n, &i, &x);
   return Pop(c1);

any binRead(int extn) {
   int c;
   any x, y, *h;
   cell c1;

   if ((c = getBin()) < 0)
      return NULL;
   if ((c & ~3) == 0) {
      if (c == NIX)
         return Nil;
      if (c == BEG) {
         if ((x = binRead(extn)) == NULL)
            return NULL;
         Push(c1, x = cons(x,Nil));
         while ((y = binRead(extn)) != (any)END) {
            if (y == NULL) {
               return NULL;
            if (y == (any)DOT) {
               if ((y = binRead(extn)) == NULL) {
                  return NULL;
               cdr(x) = y == (any)END? data(c1) : y;
            x = cdr(x) = cons(y,Nil);
         return Pop(c1);
      return (any)(long)c;  // DOT or END
   if ((y = rdNum(c / 4)) == NULL)
      return NULL;
   if ((c &= 3) == NUMBER)
      return y;
   if (c == TRANSIENT)
      return consStr(y);
   if (c == EXTERN) {
      if (extn)
         y = extOffs(extn, y);
      if (x = findHash(y, h = Extern + ehash(y)))
         return x;
      mkExt(x = consSym(Nil,y));
      *h = cons(x,*h);
      return x;
   if (x = findHash(y, h = Intern + ihash(y)))
      return x;
   x = consSym(Nil,y);
   *h = cons(x,*h);
   return x;

static void prDig(int t, word n) {
   int i = 1;
   word m = MASK;

   while (n & (m <<= 8))
   while (putBin(n), --i)
      n >>= 8;

static int numByte(any s) {
   static int i;
   static any x;
   static word n;

   if (s)
      i = 0,  n = unDig(x = s);
   else if (n >>= 8,  (++i & sizeof(word)-1) == 0)
      n = unDig(x = cdr(numCell(x)));
   return n & 0xFF;

static void prNum(int t, any x) {
   int cnt, i;

   if (!isNum(cdr(numCell(x))))
      prDig(t, unDig(x));
   else if ((cnt = numBytes(x)) < 63) {
      while (--cnt)
   else {
      for (i = 1; i < 63; ++i)
      cnt -= 63;
      while (cnt >= 255) {
         for (i = 0; i < 255; ++i)
         cnt -= 255;
      while (--cnt >= 0)

void binPrint(int extn, any x) {
   any y;

   if (isNum(x))
      prNum(NUMBER, x);
   else if (isNil(x))
   else if (isSym(x)) {
      if (!isNum(y = name(x)))
         binPrint(extn, y);
      else if (!isExt(x))
         prNum(hashed(x, Intern[ihash(y)])? INTERN : TRANSIENT, y);
         prNum(EXTERN, extn? extOffs(-extn, y) : y);
   else {
      if ((y = circ(x)) == NULL) {
         while (binPrint(extn, car(x)), !isNil(x = cdr(x))) {
            if (!isCell(x)) {
               binPrint(extn, x);
      else if (y == x) {
            binPrint(extn, car(x));
         while (y != (x = cdr(x)));
      else {
            binPrint(extn, car(x));
         while (y != (x = cdr(x)));
         putBin(DOT),  putBin(BEG);
            binPrint(extn, car(x));
         while (y != (x = cdr(x)));

void pr(int extn, any x) {putBin = putStdout,  binPrint(extn, x);}

void prn(long n) {
   putBin = putStdout;
   prDig(NUMBER, n >= 0? n * 2 : -n * 2 + 1);

/* Family IPC */
static void putTell(int c) {
   *PipePtr++ = c;
   if (PipePtr == PipeBuf + PIPE_BUF - 1)  // END
      err(NULL, NULL, "Tell PIPE_BUF");

static void tellBeg(ptr *pb, ptr *pp, ptr buf) {
   *pb = PipeBuf,  *pp = PipePtr;
   PipePtr = (PipeBuf = buf) + 2*sizeof(int);
   *PipePtr++ = BEG;

static void prTell(any x) {putBin = putTell,  binPrint(0, x);}

static void tellEnd(ptr *pb, ptr *pp, int pid) {
   int i, n;

   *PipePtr++ = END;
   n = PipePtr - PipeBuf - 2*sizeof(int);
   *(int*)PipeBuf = pid;
   *((int*)PipeBuf + 1) = n;
   if (Tell && !wrBytes(Tell, PipeBuf, n + 2*sizeof(int)))
      close(Tell),  Tell = 0;
   for (i = 0; i < Children; ++i)
      if (Child[i].pid && (!pid || pid == Child[i].pid))
         wrChild(i, PipeBuf + 2*sizeof(int), n);
   PipePtr = *pp,  PipeBuf = *pb;

static void unsync(void) {
   int pn[2] = {0, 0};

   if (Tell && !wrBytes(Tell, (byte*)pn, 2*sizeof(int)))
      close(Tell),  Tell = 0;
   Sync = NO;

static any rdHear(void) {
   any x;
   inFile *iSave = InFile;

   InFile = InFiles[Hear];
   getBin = getBinary;
   x = binRead(0);
   InFile = iSave;
   return x;

/* Return next byte from symbol name */
int symByte(any s) {
   static any x;
   static word n;

   if (s) {
      if (!isNum(x = s))
         return 0;
      n = unDig(x);
   else if ((n >>= 8) == 0) {
      if (!isNum(cdr(numCell(x))))
         return 0;
      n = unDig(x = cdr(numCell(x)));
   return n & 0xFF;

/* Return next char from symbol name */
int symChar(any s) {
   int c = symByte(s);

   if (c == 0xFF)
      return TOP;
   if (c & 0x80) {
      if ((c & 0x20) == 0)
         c &= 0x1F;
         c = (c & 0xF) << 6 | symByte(NULL) & 0x3F;
      c = c << 6 | symByte(NULL) & 0x3F;
   return c;

int numBytes(any x) {
   int cnt;
   word n, m = MASK;

   for (cnt = 1;  isNum(cdr(numCell(x)));  cnt += WORD)
      x = cdr(numCell(x));
   for (n = unDig(x); n & (m <<= 8); ++cnt);
   return cnt;

/* Buffer size */
int bufSize(any x) {return isNum(x = name(x))? numBytes(x)+1 : 1;}

int pathSize(any x) {
   int c = firstByte(x);

   if (c != '@'  &&  (c != '+' || secondByte(x) != '@'))
      return bufSize(x);
   if (!Home)
      return numBytes(name(x));
   return strlen(Home) + numBytes(name(x));

void bufString(any x, char *p) {
   int c = symByte(name(x));

   while (*p++ = c)
      c = symByte(NULL);

void pathString(any x, char *p) {
   int c;
   char *h;

   if ((c = symByte(name(x))) == '+')
      *p++ = c,  c = symByte(NULL);
   if (c != '@')
      while (*p++ = c)
         c = symByte(NULL);
   else {
      if (h = Home)
            *p++ = *h++;
         while (*h);
      while (*p++ = symByte(NULL));

// (path 'any) -> sym
any doPath(any x) {
   x = evSym(cdr(x));
      char nm[pathSize(x)];

      return mkStr(nm);

/* Add next byte to symbol name */
void byteSym(int c, int *i, any *p) {
   if ((*i += 8) < BITS)
      setDig(*p, unDig(*p) | (c & 0xFF) << *i);
      *i = 0,  *p = cdr(numCell(*p)) = box(c & 0xFF);

/* Box first char of symbol name */
any boxChar(int c, int *i, any *p) {
   *i = 0;
   if (c < 0x80)
      *p = box(c);
   else if (c < 0x800) {
      *p = box(0xC0 | c>>6 & 0x1F);
      byteSym(0x80 | c & 0x3F, i, p);
   else if (c == TOP)
      *p = box(0xFF);
   else {
      *p = box(0xE0 | c>>12 & 0x0F);
      byteSym(0x80 | c>>6 & 0x3F, i, p);
      byteSym(0x80 | c & 0x3F, i, p);
   return *p;

/* Add next char to symbol name */
void charSym(int c, int *i, any *p) {
   if (c < 0x80)
      byteSym(c, i, p);
   else if (c < 0x800) {
      byteSym(0xC0 | c>>6 & 0x1F, i, p);
      byteSym(0x80 | c & 0x3F, i, p);
   else if (c == TOP)
      byteSym(0xFF, i, p);
   else {
      byteSym(0xE0 | c>>12 & 0x0F, i, p);
      byteSym(0x80 | c>>6 & 0x3F, i, p);
      byteSym(0x80 | c & 0x3F, i, p);

static int currFd(any ex, char *p) {
   if (!Env.inFrames && !Env.outFrames)
      err(ex, NULL, "No current fd");
   if (!Env.inFrames)
      return OutFile->fd;
   if (!Env.outFrames)
      return InFile->fd;
   return labs((char*)Env.outFrames - p) > labs((char*)Env.inFrames - p)?
      InFile->fd : OutFile->fd;

void rdOpen(any ex, any x, inFrame *f) {
   if (isNil(x))
      f->pid = 0,  f->fd = STDIN_FILENO;
   else if (isNum(x)) {
      int n = (int)unBox(x);

      if (n < 0) {
         inFrame *g = Env.inFrames;

         for (;;) {
            if (!(g = g->link))
            if (!++n) {
               n = g->fd;
      f->pid = 0,  f->fd = n;
      if (n >= InFDs || !InFiles[n])
   else if (isSym(x)) {
      char nm[pathSize(x)];

      f->pid = 1;
      if (nm[0] == '+') {
         while ((f->fd = open(nm+1, O_APPEND|O_CREAT|O_RDWR, 0666)) < 0) {
            if (errno != EINTR)
               openErr(ex, nm);
            if (*Signal)
         initInFile(f->fd, strdup(nm+1));
      else {
         while ((f->fd = open(nm, O_RDONLY)) < 0) {
            if (errno != EINTR)
               openErr(ex, nm);
            if (*Signal)
         initInFile(f->fd, strdup(nm));
      closeOnExec(ex, f->fd);
   else {
      any y;
      int i, pfd[2], ac = length(x);
      char *av[ac+1];

      if (pipe(pfd) < 0)
         pipeError(ex, "read open");
      closeOnExec(ex, pfd[0]), closeOnExec(ex, pfd[1]);
      av[0] = alloc(NULL, pathSize(y = xSym(car(x)))),  pathString(y, av[0]);
      for (i = 1; isCell(x = cdr(x)); ++i)
         av[i] = alloc(NULL, bufSize(y = xSym(car(x)))),  bufString(y, av[i]);
      av[ac] = NULL;
      if ((f->pid = fork()) == 0) {
         if (pfd[1] != STDOUT_FILENO)
            dup2(pfd[1], STDOUT_FILENO),  close(pfd[1]);
         execvp(av[0], av);
      i = 0;  do
      while (++i < ac);
      if (f->pid < 0)
         err(ex, NULL, "fork");
      initInFile(f->fd = pfd[0], NULL);

void wrOpen(any ex, any x, outFrame *f) {
   if (isNil(x))
      f->pid = 0,  f->fd = STDOUT_FILENO;
   else if (isNum(x)) {
      int n = (int)unBox(x);

      if (n < 0) {
         outFrame *g = Env.outFrames;

         for (;;) {
            if (!(g = g->link))
            if (!++n) {
               n = g->fd;
      f->pid = 0,  f->fd = n;
      if (n >= OutFDs || !OutFiles[n])
   else if (isSym(x)) {
      char nm[pathSize(x)];

      f->pid = 1;
      if (nm[0] == '+') {
         while ((f->fd = open(nm+1, O_APPEND|O_CREAT|O_WRONLY, 0666)) < 0) {
            if (errno != EINTR)
               openErr(ex, nm);
            if (*Signal)
      else {
         while ((f->fd = open(nm, O_CREAT|O_TRUNC|O_WRONLY, 0666)) < 0) {
            if (errno != EINTR)
               openErr(ex, nm);
            if (*Signal)
      closeOnExec(ex, f->fd);
   else {
      any y;
      int i, pfd[2], ac = length(x);
      char *av[ac+1];

      if (pipe(pfd) < 0)
         pipeError(ex, "write open");
      closeOnExec(ex, pfd[0]), closeOnExec(ex, pfd[1]);
      av[0] = alloc(NULL, pathSize(y = xSym(car(x)))),  pathString(y, av[0]);
      for (i = 1; isCell(x = cdr(x)); ++i)
         av[i] = alloc(NULL, bufSize(y = xSym(car(x)))),  bufString(y, av[i]);
      av[ac] = NULL;
      if ((f->pid = fork()) == 0) {
         if (pfd[0] != STDIN_FILENO)
            dup2(pfd[0], STDIN_FILENO),  close(pfd[0]);
         execvp(av[0], av);
      i = 0;  do
      while (++i < ac);
      if (f->pid < 0)
         err(ex, NULL, "fork");
      initOutFile(f->fd = pfd[1]);

void erOpen(any ex, any x, errFrame *f) {
   int fd;

   f->fd = dup(STDERR_FILENO);
   if (isNil(x))
      fd = dup(OutFile->fd);
   else {
      char nm[pathSize(x)];

      if (nm[0] == '+') {
         while ((fd = open(nm+1, O_APPEND|O_CREAT|O_WRONLY, 0666)) < 0) {
            if (errno != EINTR)
               openErr(ex, nm);
            if (*Signal)
      else {
         while ((fd = open(nm, O_CREAT|O_TRUNC|O_WRONLY, 0666)) < 0) {
            if (errno != EINTR)
               openErr(ex, nm);
            if (*Signal)
      closeOnExec(ex, fd);
   dup2(fd, STDERR_FILENO),  close(fd);

void ctOpen(any ex, any x, ctlFrame *f) {
   if (isNil(x)) {
      f->fd = -1;
      lockFile(currFd(ex, (char*)f), F_SETLKW, F_RDLCK);
   else if (x == T) {
      f->fd = -1;
      lockFile(currFd(ex, (char*)f), F_SETLKW, F_WRLCK);
   else {
      char nm[pathSize(x)];

      if (nm[0] == '+') {
         while ((f->fd = open(nm+1, O_CREAT|O_RDWR, 0666)) < 0) {
            if (errno != EINTR)
               openErr(ex, nm);
            if (*Signal)
         lockFile(f->fd, F_SETLKW, F_RDLCK);
      else {
         while ((f->fd = open(nm, O_CREAT|O_RDWR, 0666)) < 0) {
            if (errno != EINTR)
               openErr(ex, nm);
            if (*Signal)
         lockFile(f->fd, F_SETLKW, F_WRLCK);
      closeOnExec(ex, f->fd);

/*** Reading ***/
void getStdin(void) {
   if (!InFile)
      Chr = -1;
   else if (InFile != InFiles[STDIN_FILENO]) {
      if (InFile->ix == InFile->cnt  && (InFile->ix < 0 || !slow(InFile,NO))) {
         Chr = -1;
      if ((Chr = InFile->buf[InFile->ix++]) == 'n')
   else if (!isCell(val(Led))) {
      waitFd(NULL, STDIN_FILENO, -1);
      Chr = stdinByte();
   else {
      static word dig;

      if (!isNum(Line))
         dig = isNum(Line = name(run(val(Led))))? unDig(Line) : 'n';
      else if ((dig >>= 8) == 0)
         dig = isNum(Line = cdr(numCell(Line)))? unDig(Line) : 'n';
      Chr = dig & 0xFF;

static void getParse(void) {
   if ((Chr = Env.parser->dig & 0xFF) == 0xFF)
      Chr = -1;
   else if ((Env.parser->dig >>= 8) == 0) {
      Env.parser->dig =
         isNum(Env.parser->name = cdr(numCell(Env.parser->name))) ?
            unDig(Env.parser->name) : Env.parser->eof;

void pushInFiles(inFrame *f) {
   if (InFile)
      InFile->next = Chr;
   Chr = (InFile = InFiles[f->fd])? InFile->next : -1;
   f->get = Env.get,  Env.get = getStdin;
   f->link = Env.inFrames,  Env.inFrames = f;

void pushOutFiles(outFrame *f) {
   OutFile = OutFiles[f->fd];
   f->put = Env.put,  Env.put = putStdout;
   f->link = Env.outFrames,  Env.outFrames = f;

void pushErrFiles(errFrame *f) {
   f->link = Env.errFrames,  Env.errFrames = f;

void pushCtlFiles(ctlFrame *f) {
   f->link = Env.ctlFrames,  Env.ctlFrames = f;

void popInFiles(void) {
   if (Env.inFrames->pid) {
      close(Env.inFrames->fd),  closeInFile(Env.inFrames->fd);
      if (Env.inFrames->pid > 1)
         while (waitpid(Env.inFrames->pid, NULL, 0) < 0) {
            if (errno != EINTR)
            if (*Signal)
   else if (InFile)
      InFile->next = Chr;
   Env.get = Env.inFrames->get;
   Chr =
      (InFile = InFiles[(Env.inFrames = Env.inFrames->link)? Env.inFrames->fd : STDIN_FILENO])?
         InFile->next : -1;

void popOutFiles(void) {
   if (Env.outFrames->pid) {
      close(Env.outFrames->fd),  closeOutFile(Env.outFrames->fd);
      if (Env.outFrames->pid > 1)
         while (waitpid(Env.outFrames->pid, NULL, 0) < 0) {
            if (errno != EINTR)
            if (*Signal)
   Env.put = Env.outFrames->put;
   OutFile = OutFiles[(Env.outFrames = Env.outFrames->link)? Env.outFrames->fd : STDOUT_FILENO];

void popErrFiles(void) {
   dup2(Env.errFrames->fd, STDERR_FILENO);
   Env.errFrames = Env.errFrames->link;

void popCtlFiles(void) {
   if (Env.ctlFrames->fd >= 0)
      lockFile(currFd(NULL, (char*)Env.ctlFrames), F_SETLK, F_UNLCK);
   Env.ctlFrames = Env.ctlFrames->link;

/* Get full char from input channel */
int getChar(void) {
   int c;

   if ((c = Chr) == 0xFF)
      return TOP;
   if (c & 0x80) {
      if ((c & 0x20) == 0)
         c &= 0x1F;
         c = (c & 0xF) << 6 | Chr & 0x3F,  Env.get();
      if (Chr < 0)
      c = c << 6 | Chr & 0x3F;
   return c;

/* Skip White Space and Comments */
static int skipc(int c) {
   if (Chr < 0)
      return Chr;
   for (;;) {
      while (Chr <= ' ') {
         if (Chr < 0)
            return Chr;
      if (Chr != c)
         return Chr;
      while (Chr != 'n') {
         if (Chr < 0)
            return Chr;

static void comment(void) {
   if (Chr != '{') {
      while (Chr != 'n') {
         if (Chr < 0)
   else {
      for (;;) {  // #{block-comment}# from Kriangkrai Soatthiyanont
         if (Chr < 0)
         if (Chr == '}' && (Env.get(), Chr == '#'))

static int skip(void) {
   for (;;) {
      if (Chr < 0)
         return Chr;
      while (Chr <= ' ') {
         if (Chr < 0)
            return Chr;
      if (Chr != '#')
         return Chr;

/* Test for escaped characters */
static bool testEsc(void) {
   for (;;) {
      if (Chr < 0)
         return NO;
      if (Chr == '^') {
         if (Chr == '@')
         if (Chr == '?')
            Chr = 127;
            Chr &= 0x1F;
         return YES;
      if (Chr != '\') {
         Chr = getChar();
         return YES;
      if (Env.get(), Chr != 'n') {
         switch (Chr) {
         case 'n': Chr = 'n'; break;
         case 'r': Chr = 'r'; break;
         case 't': Chr = 't'; break;
            if ('0' <= Chr && Chr <= '9') {
               int c = Chr - '0';

               while (Env.get(), Chr != '\') {
                  if (Chr < '0' || '9' < Chr)
                  c = c * 10 + Chr - '0';
               Chr = c;
         return YES;
      while (Chr == ' '  ||  Chr == 't');

/* Try for anonymous symbol */
static any anonymous(any s) {
   unsigned c;
   unsigned long n;
   heap *h;

   if ((c = symByte(s)) != '$')
      return NULL;
   n = 0;
   while (c = symByte(NULL)) {
      if (c < '0' || c > '9')
         return NULL;
      n = n * 10 + c - '0';
   n *= sizeof(cell);
   h = Heaps;
      if ((any)n >= h->cells  &&  (any)n < h->cells + CELLS)
         return symPtr((any)n);
   while (h = h->next);
   return NULL;

/* Read an atom */
static any rdAtom(int c) {
   int i;
   any x, y, *h;
   cell c1;

   i = 0,  Push(c1, y = box(c));
   while (Chr > 0 && !strchr(Delim, Chr)) {
      if (Chr == '\')
      byteSym(Chr, &i, &y);
   y = Pop(c1);
   if (unDig(y) == ('L'<<16 | 'I'<<8 | 'N'))
      return Nil;
   if (x = symToNum(y, (int)unDig(val(Scl)) / 2, '.', 0))
      return x;
   if (x = anonymous(y))
      return x;
   if (x = findHash(y, h = Intern + ihash(y)))
      return x;
   x = consSym(Nil,y);
   *h = cons(x,*h);
   return x;

/* Read a list */
static any rdList(void) {
   any x;
   cell c1;

   for (;;) {
      if (skip() == ')') {
         return Nil;
      if (Chr == ']')
         return Nil;
      if (Chr != '~') {
         Push(c1, x = cons(read0(NO),Nil));
      Push(c1, read0(NO));
      if (isCell(x = data(c1) = EVAL(data(c1)))) {
         while (isCell(cdr(x)))
            x = cdr(x);
   for (;;) {
      if (skip() == ')') {
      if (Chr == ']')
      if (Chr == '.') {
         if (strchr(Delim, Chr)) {
            cdr(x) = skip()==')' || Chr==']'? data(c1) : read0(NO);
            if (skip() == ')')
            else if (Chr != ']')
               err(NULL, x, "Bad dotted pair");
         x = cdr(x) = cons(rdAtom('.'), Nil);
      else if (Chr != '~')
         x = cdr(x) = cons(read0(NO), Nil);
      else {
         cdr(x) = read0(NO);
         cdr(x) = EVAL(cdr(x));
         while (isCell(cdr(x)))
            x = cdr(x);
   return Pop(c1);

/* Read one expression */
static any read0(bool top) {
   int i;
   any x, y, *h;
   cell c1;

   if (skip() < 0) {
      if (top)
         return Nil;
   if (top && InFile)
      InFile->src = InFile->line;
   if (Chr == '(') {
      x = rdList();
      if (top  &&  Chr == ']')
      return x;
   if (Chr == '[') {
      x = rdList();
      if (Chr != ']')
         err(NULL, x, "Super parentheses mismatch");
      return x;
   if (Chr == ''') {
      return cons(Quote, read0(top));
   if (Chr == ',') {
      x = read0(top);
      if (val(Uni) != T) {
         Push(c1, x);
         if (isCell(y = idx(Uni, data(c1), 1)))
            x = car(y);
      return x;
   if (Chr == '`') {
      Push(c1, read0(top));
      x = EVAL(data(c1));
      return x;
   if (Chr == '"') {
      if (Chr == '"') {
         return Nil;
      if (!testEsc())
      i = 0,  Push(c1, y = boxChar(Chr, &i, &y));
      while (Env.get(), Chr != '"') {
         if (!testEsc())
         charSym(Chr, &i, &y);
      y = Pop(c1),  Env.get();
      if (x = findHash(y, h = Transient + ihash(y)))
         return x;
      x = consStr(y);
      *h = cons(x,*h);
      return x;
   if (Chr == '{') {
      if (Chr == '}') {
         return consSym(Nil,Nil);
      i = 0,  Push(c1, y = box(Chr));
      while (Env.get(), Chr != '}') {
         if (Chr < 0)
         byteSym(Chr, &i, &y);
      y = Pop(c1),  Env.get();
      if (x = findHash(y, h = Extern + ehash(y)))
         return x;
      mkExt(x = consSym(Nil,y));
      *h = cons(x,*h);
      return x;
   if (Chr == ')' || Chr == ']' || Chr == '~')
   if (Chr == '\')
   i = Chr;
   return rdAtom(i);

any read1(int end) { if (!Chr) Env.get(); if (Chr == end) return Nil; return read0(YES); }

/* Read one token */ any token(any x, int c) { int i; any y, *h; cell c1;

if (!Chr) Env.get(); if (skipc(c) < 0) return NULL; if (Chr == '"') { Env.get(); if (Chr == '"') { Env.get(); return Nil; } if (!testEsc()) return Nil; Push(c1, y = cons(mkChar(Chr), Nil)); while (Env.get(), Chr != '"' && testEsc()) y = cdr(y) = cons(mkChar(Chr), Nil); Env.get(); return Pop(c1); } if (Chr >= '0' && Chr <= '9') { i = 0, Push(c1, y = box(Chr)); while (Env.get(), Chr >= '0' && Chr <= '9' || Chr == '.') byteSym(Chr, &i, &y); return symToNum(Pop(c1), (int)unDig(val(Scl)) / 2, '.', 0); } if (Chr != '+' && Chr != '-') { char nm[bufSize(x)];

bufString(x, nm); if (Chr >= 'A' && Chr <= 'Z' || Chr == '' || Chr >= 'a' && Chr <= 'z' || strchr(nm,Chr)) { if (Chr == '') Env.get(); i = 0, Push(c1, y = box(Chr)); while (Env.get(), Chr >= '0' && Chr <= '9' || Chr >= 'A' && Chr <= 'Z' || Chr == '' || Chr >= 'a' && Chr <= 'z' || strchr(nm,Chr) ) { if (Chr == '') Env.get(); byteSym(Chr, &i, &y); } y = Pop(c1); if (unDig(y) == ('L'<<16 | 'I'<<8 | 'N')) return Nil; if (x = findHash(y, h = Intern + ihash(y))) return x; x = consSym(Nil,y); *h = cons(x,*h); return x; } } c = getChar(); Env.get(); return mkChar(c); }

// (read ['sym1 ['sym2]]) -> any any doRead(any ex) { any x;

if (!isCell(x = cdr(ex))) x = read1(0); else { cell c1;

Push(c1, EVAL(car(x))); NeedSym(ex, data(c1)); x = cdr(x), x = EVAL(car(x)); NeedSym(ex,x); x = token(data(c1), symChar(name(x))) ?: Nil; drop(c1); } if (InFile == InFiles[STDIN_FILENO] && Chr == 'n') Chr = 0; return x; }

static inline bool inReady(inFile *p) { return p->ix < p->cnt; }

static bool isSet(int fd, fd_set *fds) { inFile *p;

if (fd >= InFDs || !(p = InFiles[fd])) return FD_ISSET(fd, fds); if (inReady(p)) return YES; return FD_ISSET(fd, fds) && slow(p,YES) >= 0; }

long waitFd(any ex, int fd, long ms) { any x, taskSave; cell c1, c2, c3; int i, j, m, n; long t; fd_set rdSet, wrSet; struct timeval *tp, tv; #ifndef __linux__ struct timeval tt; #endif

taskSave = Env.task; Push(c1, val(At)); Save(c2); do { if (ms >= 0) t = ms, tp = &tv; else t = LONG_MAX, tp = NULL; FD_ZERO(&rdSet); FD_ZERO(&wrSet); m = 0; if (fd >= 0) { if (fd < InFDs && InFiles[fd] && inReady(InFiles[fd])) tp = &tv, t = 0; else FD_SET(m = fd, &rdSet); } for (x = data(c2) = Env.task = val(Run); isCell(x); x = cdr(x)) { if (!memq(car(x), taskSave)) { if (isNeg(caar(x))) { if ((n = (int)unDig(cadar(x)) / 2) < t) tp = &tv, t = n; } else if ((n = (int)unDig(caar(x)) / 2) != fd) { if (n < InFDs && InFiles[n] && inReady(InFiles[n])) tp = &tv, t = 0; else { FD_SET(n, &rdSet); if (n > m) m = n; } } } } if (Hear && Hear != fd && InFiles[Hear]) { if (inReady(InFiles[Hear])) tp = &tv, t = 0; else { FD_SET(Hear, &rdSet); if (Hear > m) m = Hear; } } if (Spkr) { FD_SET(Spkr, &rdSet); if (Spkr > m) m = Spkr; for (i = 0; i < Children; ++i) { if (Child[i].pid) { FD_SET(Child[i].hear, &rdSet); if (Child[i].hear > m) m = Child[i].hear; if (Child[i].cnt) { FD_SET(Child[i].tell, &wrSet); if (Child[i].tell > m) m = Child[i].tell; } } } } if (tp) { tv.tv_sec = t / 1000; tv.tv_usec = t % 1000 * 1000; #ifndef __linux__ gettimeofday(&tt,NULL); t = tt.tv_sec*1000 + tt.tv_usec/1000; #endif } while (select(m+1, &rdSet, &wrSet, NULL, tp) < 0) { if (errno != EINTR) { val(Run) = Nil; selectErr(ex); } if (*Signal) sighandler(ex); } if (tp) { #ifdef __linux__ t -= tv.tv_sec*1000 + tv.tv_usec/1000; #else gettimeofday(&tt,NULL); t = tt.tv_sec*1000 + tt.tv_usec/1000 - t; #endif if (ms > 0 && (ms -= t) < 0) ms = 0; } if (Spkr) { ++Env.protect; for (i = 0; i < Children; ++i) { if (Child[i].pid) { if (FD_ISSET(Child[i].hear, &rdSet)) { int pn[2];

if ((m = rdBytes(Child[i].hear, (byte*)pn, 2*sizeof(int), YES)) >= 0) { byte buf[PIPE_BUF - sizeof(int)];

if (m == 0) { clsChild(i); continue; } if (pn[0] == 0 && pn[1] == 0) { if (Child[i].pid == Talking) Talking = 0; } else if (rdBytes(Child[i].hear, buf, pn[1], NO)) { for (j = 0; j < Children; ++j) if (j != i && Child[j].pid && (!pn[0] || pn[0] == Child[j].pid)) wrChild(j, buf, pn[1]); } else { clsChild(i); continue; } } } if (FD_ISSET(Child[i].tell, &wrSet)) { n = *(int*)(Child[i].buf + Child[i].ofs); if (wrBytes(Child[i].tell, Child[i].buf + Child[i].ofs + sizeof(int), n)) { Child[i].ofs += sizeof(int) + n; if (2 * Child[i].ofs >= Child[i].cnt) { if (Child[i].cnt -= Child[i].ofs) { memcpy(Child[i].buf, Child[i].buf + Child[i].ofs, Child[i].cnt); Child[i].buf = alloc(Child[i].buf, Child[i].cnt); } Child[i].ofs = 0; } } else clsChild(i); } } } if (!Talking && FD_ISSET(Spkr,&rdSet) && rdBytes(Spkr, (byte*)&m, sizeof(int), YES) > 0 && Child[m].pid ) { Talking = Child[m].pid; wrChild(m, TBuf, sizeof(TBuf)); } --Env.protect; } if (Hear && Hear != fd && isSet(Hear, &rdSet)) { if ((data(c3) = rdHear()) == NULL) close(Hear), closeInFile(Hear), closeOutFile(Hear), Hear = 0; else if (data(c3) == T) Sync = YES; else { Save(c3); evList(data(c3)); drop(c3); } } for (x = data(c2); isCell(x); x = cdr(x)) { if (!memq(car(x), taskSave)) { if (isNeg(caar(x))) { if ((n = (int)(unDig(cadar(x)) / 2 - t)) > 0) setDig(cadar(x), (long)2*n); else { setDig(cadar(x), unDig(caar(x))); val(At) = caar(x); prog(cddar(x)); } } else if ((n = (int)unDig(caar(x)) / 2) != fd) { if (isSet(n, &rdSet)) { val(At) = caar(x); prog(cdar(x)); } } } } if (*Signal) sighandler(ex); } while (ms && fd >= 0 && !isSet(fd, &rdSet)); Env.task = taskSave; val(At) = Pop(c1); return ms; }

// (wait 'cnt|NIL . prg) -> any any doWait(any ex) { any x, y; long ms;

x = cdr(ex); ms = isNil(y = EVAL(car(x)))? -1 : xCnt(ex,y); x = cdr(x); while (isNil(y = prog(x))) if (!(ms = waitFd(ex, -1, ms))) return prog(x); return y; }

// (sync) -> flg any doSync(any ex) { byte *p; int n, cnt;

if (!Mic || !Hear) return Nil; if (Sync) return T; p = (byte*)&Slot; cnt = sizeof(int); for (;;) { if ((n = write(Mic, p, cnt)) >= 0) { if ((cnt -= n) == 0) break; p += n; } else { if (errno != EINTR) writeErr("sync"); if (*Signal) sighandler(ex); } } Sync = NO; do waitFd(ex, -1, -1); while (!Sync); return T; }

// (hear 'cnt) -> cnt any doHear(any ex) { any x; int fd;

x = cdr(ex), x = EVAL(car(x)); if ((fd = (int)xCnt(ex,x)) < 0 || fd >= InFDs || !InFiles[fd]) badFd(ex,x); if (Hear) close(Hear), closeInFile(Hear), closeOutFile(Hear); Hear = fd; return x; }

// (tell ['cnt] 'sym ['any ..]) -> any any doTell(any x) { any y; int pid; ptr pbSave, ppSave; byte buf[PIPE_BUF];

if (!Tell && !Children) return Nil; if (!isCell(x = cdr(x))) { unsync(); return Nil; } pid = 0; if (isNum(y = EVAL(car(x)))) { pid = (int)unDig(y)/2; x = cdr(x), y = EVAL(car(x)); } tellBeg(&pbSave, &ppSave, buf); while (prTell(y), isCell(x = cdr(x))) y = EVAL(car(x)); tellEnd(&pbSave, &ppSave, pid); return y; }

// (poll 'cnt) -> cnt | NIL any doPoll(any ex) { any x; int fd; inFile *p; fd_set fdSet; struct timeval tv;

x = cdr(ex), x = EVAL(car(x)); if ((fd = (int)xCnt(ex,x)) < 0 || fd >= InFDs) badFd(ex,x); if (!(p = InFiles[fd])) return Nil; do { if (inReady(p)) return x; FD_ZERO(&fdSet); FD_SET(fd, &fdSet); tv.tv_sec = tv.tv_usec = 0; while (select(fd+1, &fdSet, NULL, NULL, &tv) < 0) if (errno != EINTR) selectErr(ex); if (!FD_ISSET(fd, &fdSet)) return Nil; } while (slow(p,YES) < 0); return x; }

// (key ['cnt]) -> sym any doKey(any ex) { any x; int c, d;

flushAll(); setRaw(); x = cdr(ex); if (!waitFd(ex, STDIN_FILENO, isNil(x = EVAL(car(x)))? -1 : xCnt(ex,x))) return Nil; if ((c = stdinByte()) == 0xFF) c = TOP; else if (c & 0x80) { d = stdinByte(); if ((c & 0x20) == 0) c = (c & 0x1F) << 6 | d & 0x3F; else c = ((c & 0xF) << 6 | d & 0x3F) << 6 | stdinByte() & 0x3F; } return mkChar(c); }

// (peek) -> sym any doPeek(any ex __attribute__((unused))) { if (!Chr) Env.get(); return Chr<0? Nil : mkChar(Chr); }

// (char) -> sym // (char 'cnt) -> sym // (char T) -> sym // (char 'sym) -> cnt any doChar(any ex) { any x = cdr(ex); if (!isCell(x)) { if (!Chr) Env.get(); x = Chr<0? Nil : mkChar(getChar()); Env.get(); return x; } if (isNum(x = EVAL(car(x)))) return IsZero(x)? Nil : mkChar(unDig(x) / 2); if (isSym(x)) return x == T? mkChar(TOP) : boxCnt(symChar(name(x))); atomError(ex,x); }

// (skip ['any]) -> sym any doSkip(any x) { x = evSym(cdr(x)); return skipc(symChar(name(x)))<0? Nil : mkChar(Chr); }

// (eol) -> flg any doEol(any ex __attribute__((unused))) { return Chr=='n' || Chr<=0? T : Nil; }

// (eof ['flg]) -> flg any doEof(any x) { x = cdr(x); if (!isNil(EVAL(car(x)))) { Chr = -1; return T; } if (!Chr) Env.get(); return Chr < 0? T : Nil; }

// (from 'any ..) -> sym any doFrom(any x) { int i, j, ac = length(x = cdr(x)), p[ac]; cell c[ac]; char *av[ac];

if (ac == 0) return Nil; for (i = 0;;) { Push(c[i], evSym(x)); av[i] = alloc(NULL, bufSize(data(c[i]))), bufString(data(c[i]), av[i]); p[i] = 0; if (++i == ac) break; x = cdr(x); } if (!Chr) Env.get(); while (Chr >= 0) { for (i = 0; i < ac; ++i) { for (;;) { if (av[i][p[i]] == (byte)Chr) { if (av[i][++p[i]]) break; Env.get(); x = data(c[i]); goto done; } if (!p[i]) break; for (j = 1; --p[i]; ++j) if (memcmp(av[i], av[i]+j, p[i]) == 0) break; } } Env.get(); } x = Nil; done: i = 0; do free(av[i]); while (++i < ac); drop(c[0]); return x; }

// (till 'any ['flg]) -> lst|sym any doTill(any ex) { any x; int i; cell c1;

x = evSym(cdr(ex)); { char buf[bufSize(x)];

bufString(x, buf); if (!Chr) Env.get(); if (Chr < 0 || strchr(buf,Chr)) return Nil; x = cddr(ex); if (isNil(EVAL(car(x)))) { Push(c1, x = cons(mkChar(getChar()), Nil)); while (Env.get(), Chr > 0 && !strchr(buf,Chr)) x = cdr(x) = cons(mkChar(getChar()), Nil); return Pop(c1); } Push(c1, boxChar(getChar(), &i, &x)); while (Env.get(), Chr > 0 && !strchr(buf,Chr)) charSym(getChar(), &i, &x); return consStr(Pop(c1)); } }

bool eol(void) { if (Chr < 0) return YES; if (Chr == 'n') { Chr = 0; return YES; } if (Chr == 'r') { Env.get(); if (Chr == 'n') Chr = 0; return YES; } return NO; }

// (line 'flg ['cnt ..]) -> lst|sym any doLine(any ex) { any x, y, z; bool pack; int i, n; cell c1;

if (!Chr) Env.get(); if (eol()) return Nil; x = cdr(ex); if (pack = !isNil(EVAL(car(x)))) Push(c1, boxChar(getChar(), &i, &z)); else Push(c1, cons(mkChar(getChar()), Nil)); if (!isCell(x = cdr(x))) y = data(c1); else { if (!pack) z = data(c1); data(c1) = y = cons(data(c1), Nil); for (;;) { n = (int)evCnt(ex,x); while (--n) { if (Env.get(), eol()) { if (pack) car(y) = consStr(car(y)); return Pop(c1); } if (pack) charSym(getChar(), &i, &z); else z = cdr(z) = cons(mkChar(getChar()), Nil); } if (pack) car(y) = consStr(car(y)); if (!isCell(x = cdr(x))) { pack = NO; break; } if (Env.get(), eol()) return Pop(c1); y = cdr(y) = cons( pack? boxChar(getChar(), &i, &z) : (z = cons(mkChar(getChar()), Nil)), Nil ); } } for (;;) { if (Env.get(), eol()) return pack? consStr(Pop(c1)) : Pop(c1); if (pack) charSym(getChar(), &i, &z); else y = cdr(y) = cons(mkChar(getChar()), Nil); } }

// (lines 'any ..) -> cnt any doLines(any x) { any y; int c, cnt = 0; bool flg = NO; FILE *fp;

for (x = cdr(x); isCell(x); x = cdr(x)) { y = evSym(x); { char nm[pathSize(y)];

pathString(y, nm); if (fp = fopen(nm, "r")) { flg = YES; while ((c = getc_unlocked(fp)) >= 0) if (c == 'n') ++cnt; fclose(fp); } } } return flg? boxCnt(cnt) : Nil; }

static any parse(any x, bool skp, any s) { int c; parseFrame *save, parser; void (*getSave)(void); cell c1;

save = Env.parser; Env.parser = &parser; parser.dig = unDig( = name(x)); parser.eof = s? 0xFF : 0xFF5D0A; getSave = Env.get, Env.get = getParse, c = Chr, Chr = 0; Push(c1, Env.parser->name); if (skp) getParse(); if (!s) x = rdList(); else { any y; cell c2;

if (!(x = token(s,0))) x = Nil; else { Push(c2, y = cons(x,Nil)); while (x = token(s,0)) y = cdr(y) = cons(x,Nil); x = Pop(c2); } } drop(c1); Chr = c, Env.get = getSave, Env.parser = save; return x; }

static void putString(int c) { if (StrP) byteSym(c, &StrI, &StrP); else StrI = 0, data(StrCell) = StrP = box(c & 0xFF); }

void begString(void) { StrP = NULL; Push(StrCell,Nil); PutSave = Env.put, Env.put = putString; }

any endString(void) { Env.put = PutSave; drop(StrCell); return StrP? consStr(data(StrCell)) : Nil; }

// (any 'sym) -> any any doAny(any ex) { any x;

x = cdr(ex), x = EVAL(car(x)); NeedSym(ex,x); if (!isNil(x)) { int c; parseFrame *save, parser; void (*getSave)(void); cell c1;

save = Env.parser; Env.parser = &parser; parser.dig = unDig( = name(x)); parser.eof = 0xFF20; getSave = Env.get, Env.get = getParse, c = Chr, Chr = 0; Push(c1, Env.parser->name); getParse(); x = read0(YES); drop(c1); Chr = c, Env.get = getSave, Env.parser = save; } return x; }

// (sym 'any) -> sym any doSym(any x) { x = EVAL(cadr(x)); begString(); print(x); return endString(); }

// (str 'sym ['sym1]) -> lst // (str 'lst) -> sym any doStr(any ex) { any x; cell c1, c2;

x = cdr(ex); if (isNil(x = EVAL(car(x)))) return Nil; if (isNum(x)) argError(ex,x); if (isSym(x)) { if (!isCell(cddr(ex))) return parse(x, NO, NULL); Push(c1, x); Push(c2, evSym(cddr(ex))); x = parse(x, NO, data(c2)); drop(c1); return x; } begString(); while (print(car(x)), isCell(x = cdr(x))) space(); return endString(); }

any load(any ex, int pr, any x) { cell c1, c2; inFrame f;

if (isSym(x) && firstByte(x) == '-') { Push(c1, parse(x, YES, NULL)); x = evList(data(c1)); drop(c1); return x; } rdOpen(ex, x, &f); pushInFiles(&f); doHide(Nil); x = Nil; for (;;) { if (InFile != InFiles[STDIN_FILENO]) data(c1) = read1(0); else { if (pr && !Chr) prin(run(val(Prompt))), Env.put(pr), space(), flushAll(); data(c1) = read1(isatty(STDIN_FILENO)? 'n' : 0); while (Chr > 0) { if (Chr == 'n') { Chr = 0; break; } if (Chr == '#') comment(); else { if (Chr > ' ') break; Env.get(); } } } if (isNil(data(c1))) { popInFiles(); doHide(Nil); return x; } Save(c1); if (InFile != InFiles[STDIN_FILENO] || Chr || !pr) x = EVAL(data(c1)); else { flushAll(); Push(c2, val(At)); x = val(At) = EVAL(data(c1)); val(At3) = val(At2), val(At2) = data(c2); outString("-> "), flushAll(), print1(x), newline(); } drop(c1); } }

// (load 'any ..) -> any any doLoad(any ex) { any x, y;

x = cdr(ex); do { if ((y = EVAL(car(x))) != T) y = load(ex, '>', y); else y = loadAll(ex); } while (isCell(x = cdr(x))); return y; }

// (in 'any . prg) -> any any doIn(any ex) { any x; inFrame f;

x = cdr(ex), x = EVAL(car(x)); rdOpen(ex, x, &f); pushInFiles(&f); x = prog(cddr(ex)); popInFiles(); return x; }

// (out 'any . prg) -> any any doOut(any ex) { any x; outFrame f;

x = cdr(ex), x = EVAL(car(x)); wrOpen(ex, x, &f); pushOutFiles(&f); x = prog(cddr(ex)); popOutFiles(); return x; }

// (err 'sym . prg) -> any any doErr(any ex) { any x; errFrame f;

x = cdr(ex), x = EVAL(car(x)); erOpen(ex,x,&f); pushErrFiles(&f); x = prog(cddr(ex)); popErrFiles(); return x; }

// (ctl 'sym . prg) -> any any doCtl(any ex) { any x; ctlFrame f;

x = cdr(ex), x = EVAL(car(x)); ctOpen(ex,x,&f); pushCtlFiles(&f); x = prog(cddr(ex)); popCtlFiles(); return x; }

// (pipe exe) -> cnt // (pipe exe . prg) -> any any doPipe(any ex) { any x; union { inFrame in; outFrame out; } f; int pfd[2];

if ((isCell(cddr(ex))? pipe(pfd) : socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, pfd)) < 0 || pfd[1] < 2) err(ex, NULL, "Can't pipe"); closeOnExec(ex, pfd[0]), closeOnExec(ex, pfd[1]); if (( = forkLisp(ex)) == 0) { close(pfd[0]); if (isCell(cddr(ex))) setpgid(0,0); else dup2(pfd[1], STDIN_FILENO); dup2(pfd[1], STDOUT_FILENO); close(pfd[1]); signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_DFL); = 0, f.out.fd = STDOUT_FILENO; pushOutFiles(&f.out); OutFile->tty = NO; val(Led) = val(Run) = Nil; EVAL(cadr(ex)); bye(0); } close(pfd[1]); initInFile( = pfd[0], NULL); if (!isCell(cddr(ex))) { initOutFile(pfd[0]); return boxCnt(pfd[0]); } setpgid(,0); pushInFiles(&; x = prog(cddr(ex)); popInFiles(); return x; }

// (open 'any ['flg]) -> cnt | NIL any doOpen(any ex) { any x = evSym(cdr(ex)); char nm[pathSize(x)]; int fd;

pathString(x, nm); x = caddr(ex), x = EVAL(x); while ((fd = open(nm, isNil(x)? O_CREAT|O_RDWR : O_RDONLY, 0666)) < 0) { if (errno != EINTR) return Nil; if (*Signal) sighandler(ex); } closeOnExec(ex, fd); initInFile(fd, strdup(nm)), initOutFile(fd); return boxCnt(fd); }

// (close 'cnt) -> cnt | NIL any doClose(any ex) { any x; int fd;

x = cdr(ex), x = EVAL(car(x)), fd = (int)xCnt(ex,x); while (close(fd)) { if (errno != EINTR) return Nil; if (*Signal) sighandler(ex); } closeInFile(fd), closeOutFile(fd); return x; }

// (echo ['cnt ['cnt]] | ['sym ..]) -> sym any doEcho(any ex) { any x, y; long cnt;

x = cdr(ex), y = EVAL(car(x)); if (!Chr) Env.get(); if (isNil(y) && !isCell(cdr(x))) { while (Chr >= 0) Env.put(Chr), Env.get(); return T; } if (isSym(y)) { int m, n, i, j, ac = length(x), p[ac], om, op; cell c[ac]; char *av[ac];

for (i = 0;;) { Push(c[i], y); av[i] = alloc(NULL, bufSize(y)), bufString(y, av[i]); p[i] = 0; if (++i == ac) break; y = evSym(x = cdr(x)); } m = -1; while (Chr >= 0) { if ((om = m) >= 0) op = p[m]; for (i = 0; i < ac; ++i) { for (;;) { if (av[i][p[i]] == (byte)Chr) { if (av[i][++p[i]]) { if (m < 0 || p[i] > p[m]) m = i; break; } if (om >= 0) for (j = 0, n = op-p[i]; j <= n; ++j) Env.put(av[om][j]); Chr = 0; x = data(c[i]); goto done; } if (!p[i]) break; for (j = 1; --p[i]; ++j) if (memcmp(av[i], av[i]+j, p[i]) == 0) break; if (m == i) for (m = -1, j = 0; j < ac; ++j) if (p[j] && (m < 0 || p[j] > p[m])) m = j; } } if (m < 0) { if (om >= 0) for (i = 0; i < op; ++i) Env.put(av[om][i]); Env.put(Chr); } else if (om >= 0) for (i = 0, n = op-p[m]; i <= n; ++i) Env.put(av[om][i]); Env.get(); } x = Nil; done: i = 0; do free(av[i]); while (++i < ac); drop(c[0]); return x; } if (isCell(x = cdr(x))) { for (cnt = xCnt(ex,y), y = EVAL(car(x)); --cnt >= 0; Env.get()) if (Chr < 0) return Nil; } if ((cnt = xCnt(ex,y)) > 0) { for (;;) { if (Chr < 0) return Nil; Env.put(Chr); if (!--cnt) break; Env.get(); } } Chr = 0; return T; }

/*** Printing ***/ void putStdout(int c) { if (OutFile) { if (OutFile->ix == BUFSIZ) { OutFile->ix = 0; wrBytes(OutFile->fd, OutFile->buf, BUFSIZ); } if ((OutFile->buf[OutFile->ix++] = c) == 'n' && OutFile->tty) { int n = OutFile->ix;

OutFile->ix = 0; wrBytes(OutFile->fd, OutFile->buf, n); } } }

void newline(void) {Env.put('n');} void space(void) {Env.put(' ');}

void outWord(word n) { if (n > 9) outWord(n / 10); Env.put('0' + n % 10); }

void outString(char *s) { while (*s) Env.put(*s++); }

static void outSym(int c) { do Env.put(c); while (c = symByte(NULL)); }

void outName(any s) { int c;

if (c = symByte(name(s))) outSym(c); }

void outNum(any x) { if (isNum(cdr(numCell(x)))) { cell c1;

Push(c1, numToSym(x, 0, 0, 0)); outName(data(c1)); drop(c1); } else { char *p, buf[BITS/2];

sprintf(p = buf, "%ld", unBox(x)); do Env.put(*p++); while (*p); } }

/* Print one expression */ void print(any x) { cell c1;

Push(c1,x); print1(x); drop(c1); }

void print1(any x) { if (*Signal) sighandler(NULL); if (isNum(x)) outNum(x); else if (isNil(x)) outString("NIL"); else if (isSym(x)) { int c; any y;

if (!(c = symByte(y = name(x)))) Env.put('$'), outWord(num(x)/sizeof(cell)); else if (isExt(x)) Env.put('{'), outSym(c), Env.put('}'); else if (hashed(x, Intern[ihash(y)])) { if (unDig(y) == '.') Env.put(''), Env.put('.'); else { if (c == '#') Env.put(''); do { if (c == '' || strchr(Delim, c)) Env.put(''); Env.put(c); } while (c = symByte(NULL)); } } else { bool tsm = isCell(val(Tsm)) && Env.put == putStdout && OutFile->tty;

if (!tsm) Env.put('"'); else { outName(car(val(Tsm))); c = symByte(y); } do { if (c == '' || c == '^' || !tsm && c == '"') Env.put(''); else if (c == 127) Env.put('^'), c = '?'; else if (c < ' ') Env.put('^'), c |= 0x40; Env.put(c); } while (c = symByte(NULL)); if (!tsm) Env.put('"'); else outName(cdr(val(Tsm))); } } else if (car(x) == Quote && x != cdr(x)) Env.put('''), print1(cdr(x)); else { any y;

Env.put('('); if ((y = circ(x)) == NULL) { while (print1(car(x)), !isNil(x = cdr(x))) { if (!isCell(x)) { outString(" . "); print1(x); break; } space(); } } else if (y == x) { do print1(car(x)), space(); while (y != (x = cdr(x))); Env.put('.'); } else { do print1(car(x)), space(); while (y != (x = cdr(x))); outString(". ("); do print1(car(x)), space(); while (y != (x = cdr(x))); outString(".)"); } Env.put(')'); } }

void prin(any x) { cell c1;

Push(c1,x); prin1(x); drop(c1); }

void prin1(any x) { if (*Signal) sighandler(NULL); if (!isNil(x)) { if (isNum(x)) outNum(x); else if (isSym(x)) { if (isExt(x)) Env.put('{'); outName(x); if (isExt(x)) Env.put('}'); } else { while (prin1(car(x)), !isNil(x = cdr(x))) { if (!isCell(x)) { prin1(x); break; } } } } }

// (prin 'any ..) -> any any doPrin(any x) { any y = Nil;

while (isCell(x = cdr(x))) prin(y = EVAL(car(x))); return y; }

// (prinl 'any ..) -> any any doPrinl(any x) { any y = Nil;

while (isCell(x = cdr(x))) prin(y = EVAL(car(x))); newline(); return y; }

// (space ['cnt]) -> cnt any doSpace(any ex) { any x; int n;

if (isNil(x = EVAL(cadr(ex)))) { Env.put(' '); return One; } for (n = xCnt(ex,x); n > 0; --n) Env.put(' '); return x; }

// (print 'any ..) -> any any doPrint(any x) { any y;

x = cdr(x), print(y = EVAL(car(x))); while (isCell(x = cdr(x))) space(), print(y = EVAL(car(x))); return y; }

// (printsp 'any ..) -> any any doPrintsp(any x) { any y;

x = cdr(x); do print(y = EVAL(car(x))), space(); while (isCell(x = cdr(x))); return y; }

// (println 'any ..) -> any any doPrintln(any x) { any y;

x = cdr(x), print(y = EVAL(car(x))); while (isCell(x = cdr(x))) space(), print(y = EVAL(car(x))); newline(); return y; }

// (flush) -> flg any doFlush(any ex __attribute__((unused))) { return flush(OutFile)? T : Nil; }

// (rewind) -> flg any doRewind(any ex __attribute__((unused))) { if (!OutFile) return Nil; OutFile->ix = 0; return lseek(OutFile->fd, 0L, SEEK_SET) || ftruncate(OutFile->fd, 0)? Nil : T; }

// (ext 'cnt . prg) -> any any doExt(any ex) { int extn; any x;

x = cdr(ex); extn = ExtN, ExtN = (int)evCnt(ex,x); x = prog(cddr(ex)); ExtN = extn; return x; }

// (rd ['sym]) -> any // (rd 'cnt) -> num | NIL any doRd(any x) { long cnt; int n, i; cell c1;

x = cdr(x), x = EVAL(car(x)); if (!isNum(x)) { Push(c1,x); getBin = getBinary; x = binRead(ExtN) ?: data(c1); drop(c1); return x; } if ((cnt = unBox(x)) < 0) { if ((n = getBinary()) < 0) return Nil; i = 0, Push(c1, x = box(n)); while (++cnt) { if ((n = getBinary()) < 0) return Nil; byteSym(n, &i, &x); } zapZero(data(c1)); digMul2(data(c1)); } else { if ((n = getBinary()) < 0) return Nil; i = 0, Push(c1, x = box(n+n)); while (--cnt) { if ((n = getBinary()) < 0) return Nil; digMul(data(c1), 256); setDig(data(c1), unDig(data(c1)) | n+n); } zapZero(data(c1)); } return Pop(c1); }

// (pr 'any ..) -> any any doPr(any x) { any y;

x = cdr(x); do pr(ExtN, y = EVAL(car(x))); while (isCell(x = cdr(x))); return y; }

// (wr 'cnt ..) -> cnt any doWr(any x) { any y;

x = cdr(x); do putStdout(unDig(y = EVAL(car(x))) / 2); while (isCell(x = cdr(x))); return y; }

/*** DB-I/O ***/ #define BLKSIZE 64 // DB block unit size #define BLK 6 #define TAGMASK (BLKSIZE-1) #define BLKMASK (~TAGMASK) #define EXTERN64 65536

static int F, Files, *BlkShift, *BlkFile, *BlkSize, *Fluse, MaxBlkSize; static FILE *Jnl, *Log; static adr BlkIndex, BlkLink; static adr *Marks; static byte *Locks, *Ptr, **Mark; static byte *Block, *IniBlk; // 01 00 00 00 00 00 NIL 0

static adr getAdr(byte *p) { return (adr)p[0] | (adr)p[1]<<8 | (adr)p[2]<<16 | (adr)p[3]<<24 | (adr)p[4]<<32 | (adr)p[5]<<40; }

static void setAdr(adr n, byte *p) { p[0] = (byte)n, p[1] = (byte)(n >> 8), p[2] = (byte)(n >> 16); p[3] = (byte)(n >> 24), p[4] = (byte)(n >> 32), p[5] = (byte)(n >> 40); }

static void dbfErr(any ex) {err(ex, NULL, "Bad DB file");} static void dbErr(char *s) {err(NULL, NULL, "DB %s: %s", s, strerror(errno));} static void jnlErr(any ex) {err(ex, NULL, "Bad Journal");} static void fsyncErr(any ex, char *s) {err(ex, NULL, "%s fsync error: %s", s, strerror(errno));} static void truncErr(any ex) {err(ex, NULL, "Log truncate error: %s", strerror(errno));} static void ignLog(void) {fprintf(stderr, "Discarding incomplete transactionn");}

any new64(adr n, any x) { int c, i; adr w = 0;

do { if ((c = n & 0x3F) > 11) c += 5; if (c > 42) c += 6; w = w << 8 | c + '0'; } while (n >>= 6); if (i = F) { ++i; w = w << 8 | '-'; do { if ((c = i & 0x3F) > 11) c += 5; if (c > 42) c += 6; w = w << 8 | c + '0'; } while (i >>= 6); } return hi(w)? consNum(num(w), consNum(hi(w), x)) : consNum(num(w), x); }

adr blk64(any x) { int c; adr n, w;

F = 0; n = 0; if (isNum(x)) { w = unDig(x); if (isNum(x = cdr(numCell(x)))) w |= (adr)unDig(x) << BITS; do { if ((c = w & 0xFF) == '-') F = n-1, n = 0; else { if ((c -= '0') > 42) c -= 6; if (c > 11) c -= 5; n = n << 6 | c; } } while (w >>= 8); } return n; }

any extOffs(int offs, any x) { int f = F; adr n = blk64(x);

if (offs != -EXTERN64) { if ((F += offs) < 0) err(NULL, NULL, "%d: Bad DB offset", F); x = new64(n, Nil); } else { // Undocumented 64-bit DB export adr w = n & 0xFFFFF | (F & 0xFF) << 20;

w |= ((n >>= 20) & 0xFFF) << 28; w |= (adr)(F >> 8) << 40 | (n >> 12) << 48; x = hi(w)? consNum(num(w), consNum(hi(w), Nil)) : consNum(num(w), Nil); } F = f; return x; }

/* DB Record Locking */ static void dbLock(int cmd, int typ, int f, off_t len) { struct flock fl;

fl.l_type = typ; fl.l_whence = SEEK_SET; fl.l_start = 0; fl.l_len = len; while (fcntl(BlkFile[f], cmd, &fl) < 0 && typ != F_UNLCK) if (errno != EINTR) lockErr(); }

static inline void rdLock(void) { if (val(Solo) != T) dbLock(F_SETLKW, F_RDLCK, 0, 1); }

static inline void wrLock(void) { if (val(Solo) != T) dbLock(F_SETLKW, F_WRLCK, 0, 1); }

static inline void rwUnlock(off_t len) { if (val(Solo) != T) { if (len == 0) { int f;

for (f = 1; f < Files; ++f) if (Locks[f]) dbLock(F_SETLK, F_UNLCK, f, 0), Locks[f] = 0; val(Solo) = Zero; } dbLock(F_SETLK, F_UNLCK, 0, len); } }

static pid_t tryLock(off_t n, off_t len) { struct flock fl;

for (;;) { fl.l_type = F_WRLCK; fl.l_whence = SEEK_SET; fl.l_start = n; fl.l_len = len; if (fcntl(BlkFile[F], F_SETLK, &fl) >= 0) { Locks[F] = 1; if (!n) val(Solo) = T; else if (val(Solo) != T) val(Solo) = Nil; return 0; } if (errno != EINTR && errno != EACCES && errno != EAGAIN) lockErr(); while (fcntl(BlkFile[F], F_GETLK, &fl) < 0) if (errno != EINTR) lockErr(); if (fl.l_type != F_UNLCK) return fl.l_pid; } }

static void blkPeek(off_t pos, void *buf, int siz) { if (pread(BlkFile[F], buf, siz, pos) != (ssize_t)siz) dbErr("read"); }

static void blkPoke(off_t pos, void *buf, int siz) { if (pwrite(BlkFile[F], buf, siz, pos) != (ssize_t)siz) dbErr("write"); if (Jnl) { byte a[BLK+2];

putc_unlocked(siz == BlkSize[F]? BLKSIZE : siz, Jnl); a[0] = (byte)F, a[1] = (byte)(F >> 8), setAdr(pos >> BlkShift[F], a+2); if (fwrite(a, BLK+2, 1, Jnl) != 1 || fwrite(buf, siz, 1, Jnl) != 1) writeErr("Journal"); } }

static void rdBlock(adr n) { blkPeek((BlkIndex = n) << BlkShift[F], Block, BlkSize[F]); BlkLink = getAdr(Block) & BLKMASK; Ptr = Block + BLK; }

static void logBlock(void) { byte a[BLK+2];

a[0] = (byte)F, a[1] = (byte)(F >> 8), setAdr(BlkIndex, a+2); if (fwrite(a, BLK+2, 1, Log) != 1 || fwrite(Block, BlkSize[F], 1, Log) != 1) writeErr("Log"); }

static void wrBlock(void) {blkPoke(BlkIndex << BlkShift[F], Block, BlkSize[F]);}

static adr newBlock(void) { adr n; byte buf[2*BLK];

blkPeek(0, buf, 2*BLK); // Get Free, Next if ((n = getAdr(buf)) && Fluse[F]) { blkPeek(n << BlkShift[F], buf, BLK); // Get free link --Fluse[F]; } else if ((n = getAdr(buf+BLK)) != 281474976710592LL) setAdr(n + BLKSIZE, buf+BLK); // Increment next else err(NULL, NULL, "DB Oversize"); blkPoke(0, buf, 2*BLK); setAdr(0, IniBlk), blkPoke(n << BlkShift[F], IniBlk, BlkSize[F]); return n; }

any newId(any ex, int i) { adr n;

if ((F = i-1) >= Files) dbfErr(ex); if (!Log) ++Env.protect; wrLock(); if (Jnl) lockFile(fileno(Jnl), F_SETLKW, F_WRLCK); n = newBlock(); if (Jnl) fflush(Jnl), lockFile(fileno(Jnl), F_SETLK, F_UNLCK); rwUnlock(1); if (!Log) --Env.protect; return new64(n/BLKSIZE, At2); // dirty }

bool isLife(any x) { adr n; byte buf[2*BLK];

if ((n = blk64(name(x))*BLKSIZE) > 0) { if (F < Files) { for (x = tail1(x); !isSym(x); x = cdr(cellPtr(x))); if (x == At || x == At2) return YES; if (x != At3) { blkPeek(0, buf, 2*BLK); // Get Next if (n < getAdr(buf+BLK)) { blkPeek(n << BlkShift[F], buf, BLK); if ((buf[0] & TAGMASK) == 1) return YES; } } } else if (isCell(val(Ext))) return YES; } return NO; }

static void cleanUp(adr n) { adr p, fr; byte buf[BLK];

blkPeek(0, buf, BLK), fr = getAdr(buf); // Get Free setAdr(n, buf), blkPoke(0, buf, BLK); // Set new for (;;) { p = n << BlkShift[F]; blkPeek(p, buf, BLK); // Get block link buf[0] &= BLKMASK; // Clear Tag if ((n = getAdr(buf)) == 0) break; blkPoke(p, buf, BLK); } setAdr(fr, buf), blkPoke(p, buf, BLK); // Append old free list }

static int getBlock(void) { if (Ptr == Block+BlkSize[F]) { if (!BlkLink) return 0; rdBlock(BlkLink); } return *Ptr++; }

static void putBlock(int c) { if (Ptr == Block+BlkSize[F]) { if (BlkLink) wrBlock(), rdBlock(BlkLink); else { adr n = newBlock(); int cnt = Block[0]; // Link must be 0

setAdr(n | cnt, Block); wrBlock(); BlkIndex = n; if (cnt < TAGMASK) ++cnt; setAdr(cnt, Block); Ptr = Block + BLK; } } *Ptr++ = (byte)c; }

// Test for existing transaction static bool transaction(void) { byte a[BLK];

fseek(Log, 0L, SEEK_SET); if (fread(a, 2, 1, Log) == 0) { if (!feof(Log)) ignLog(); return NO; } for (;;) { if (a[0] == 0xFF && a[1] == 0xFF) return YES; if ((F = a[0] | a[1]<<8) >= Files || fread(a, BLK, 1, Log) != 1 || fseek(Log, BlkSize[F], SEEK_CUR) != 0 || fread(a, 2, 1, Log) != 1 ) { ignLog(); return NO; } } }

static void restore(any ex) { byte dirty[Files], a[BLK], buf[MaxBlkSize];

fprintf(stderr, "Last transaction not completed: Rollbackn"); fseek(Log, 0L, SEEK_SET); for (F = 0; F < Files; ++F) dirty[F] = 0; for (;;) { if (fread(a, 2, 1, Log) == 0) jnlErr(ex); if (a[0] == 0xFF && a[1] == 0xFF) break; if ((F = a[0] | a[1]<<8) >= Files || fread(a, BLK, 1, Log) != 1 || fread(buf, BlkSize[F], 1, Log) != 1 ) jnlErr(ex); if (pwrite(BlkFile[F], buf, BlkSize[F], getAdr(a) << BlkShift[F]) != (ssize_t)BlkSize[F]) dbErr("write"); dirty[F] = 1; } for (F = 0; F < Files; ++F) if (dirty[F] && fsync(BlkFile[F]) < 0) fsyncErr(ex, "DB"); }

// (pool ['sym1 ['lst] ['sym2] ['sym3]]) -> T any doPool(any ex) { any x; byte buf[2*BLK+1]; cell c1, c2, c3, c4;

x = cdr(ex), Push(c1, evSym(x)); // db x = cdr(x), Push(c2, EVAL(car(x))); // lst NeedLst(ex,data(c2)); x = cdr(x), Push(c3, evSym(x)); // sym2 Push(c4, evSym(cdr(x))); // sym3 val(Solo) = Zero; if (Files) { doRollback(Nil); for (F = 0; F < Files; ++F) { if (Marks) free(Mark[F]); if (close(BlkFile[F]) < 0) closeErr(); } free(Mark), Mark = NULL, free(Marks), Marks = NULL; Files = 0; if (Jnl) fclose(Jnl), Jnl = NULL; if (Log) fclose(Log), Log = NULL; } if (!isNil(data(c1))) { x = data(c2); Files = length(x) ?: 1; BlkShift = alloc(BlkShift, Files * sizeof(int)); BlkFile = alloc(BlkFile, Files * sizeof(int)); BlkSize = alloc(BlkSize, Files * sizeof(int)); Fluse = alloc(Fluse, Files * sizeof(int)); Locks = alloc(Locks, Files), memset(Locks, 0, Files); MaxBlkSize = 0; for (F = 0; F < Files; ++F) { char nm[pathSize(data(c1)) + 8];

pathString(data(c1), nm); if (isCell(x)) sprintf(nm + strlen(nm), "%d", F+1); BlkShift[F] = isNum(car(x))? (int)unDig(car(x))/2 : 2; if ((BlkFile[F] = open(nm, O_RDWR)) >= 0) { blkPeek(0, buf, 2*BLK+1); // Get block shift BlkSize[F] = BLKSIZE << (BlkShift[F] = (int)buf[2*BLK]); } else { if (errno != ENOENT || (BlkFile[F] = open(nm, O_CREAT|O_EXCL|O_RDWR, 0666)) < 0) { Files = F; openErr(ex, nm); } BlkSize[F] = BLKSIZE << BlkShift[F]; setAdr(0, buf); // Free if (F) setAdr(BLKSIZE, buf+BLK); // Next else { byte blk[BlkSize[0]];

setAdr(2*BLKSIZE, buf+BLK); // Next memset(blk, 0, BlkSize[0]); setAdr(1, blk), blkPoke(BlkSize[0], blk, BlkSize[0]); } buf[2*BLK] = (byte)BlkShift[F]; blkPoke(0, buf, 2*BLK+1); } closeOnExec(ex, BlkFile[F]); if (BlkSize[F] > MaxBlkSize) MaxBlkSize = BlkSize[F]; Fluse[F] = -1; x = cdr(x); } Block = alloc(Block, MaxBlkSize); IniBlk = alloc(IniBlk, MaxBlkSize); memset(IniBlk, 0, MaxBlkSize); if (!isNil(data(c3))) { char nm[pathSize(data(c3))];

pathString(data(c3), nm); if (!(Jnl = fopen(nm, "a"))) openErr(ex, nm); closeOnExec(ex, fileno(Jnl)); } if (!isNil(data(c4))) { char nm[pathSize(data(c4))];

pathString(data(c4), nm); if (!(Log = fopen(nm, "a+"))) openErr(ex, nm); closeOnExec(ex, fileno(Log)); if (transaction()) restore(ex); fseek(Log, 0L, SEEK_SET); if (ftruncate(fileno(Log), 0)) truncErr(ex); } } drop(c1); return T; }

// (journal 'any ..) -> T any doJournal(any ex) { any x, y; int siz; FILE *fp; byte a[BLK], buf[MaxBlkSize];

for (x = cdr(ex); isCell(x); x = cdr(x)) { y = evSym(x); { char nm[pathSize(y)];

pathString(y, nm); if (!(fp = fopen(nm, "r"))) openErr(ex, nm); while ((siz = getc_unlocked(fp)) >= 0) { if (fread(a, 2, 1, fp) != 1) jnlErr(ex); if ((F = a[0] | a[1]<<8) >= Files) dbfErr(ex); if (siz == BLKSIZE) siz = BlkSize[F]; if (fread(a, BLK, 1, fp) != 1 || fread(buf, siz, 1, fp) != 1) jnlErr(ex); blkPoke(getAdr(a) << BlkShift[F], buf, siz); } fclose(fp); } } return T; }

static any mkId(adr n) { any x, y, *h;

x = new64(n, Nil); if (y = findHash(x, h = Extern + ehash(x))) return y; mkExt(y = consSym(Nil,x)); *h = cons(y,*h); return y; }

// (id 'num ['num]) -> sym // (id 'sym [NIL]) -> num // (id 'sym T) -> (num . num) any doId(any ex) { any x, y; adr n; cell c1;

x = cdr(ex); if (isNum(y = EVAL(car(x)))) { x = cdr(x); if (isNil(x = EVAL(car(x)))) { F = 0; return mkId(unBoxWord2(y)); } F = (int)unDig(y)/2 - 1; NeedNum(ex,x); return mkId(unBoxWord2(x)); } NeedExt(ex,y); n = blk64(name(y)); x = cdr(x); if (isNil(EVAL(car(x)))) return boxWord2(n); Push(c1, boxWord2(n)); data(c1) = cons(box((F + 1) * 2), data(c1)); return Pop(c1); }

// (seq 'cnt|sym1) -> sym | NIL any doSeq(any ex) { any x; adr n, next; byte buf[2*BLK];

x = cdr(ex); if (isNum(x = EVAL(car(x)))) { F = (int)unDig(x)/2 - 1; n = 0; } else { NeedExt(ex,x); n = blk64(name(x))*BLKSIZE; } if (F >= Files) dbfErr(ex); rdLock(); blkPeek(0, buf, 2*BLK), next = getAdr(buf+BLK); // Get Next while ((n += BLKSIZE) < next) { blkPeek(n << BlkShift[F], buf, BLK); if ((buf[0] & TAGMASK) == 1) { rwUnlock(1); return mkId(n/BLKSIZE); } } rwUnlock(1); return Nil; }

// (lieu 'any) -> sym | NIL any doLieu(any x) { any y;

x = cdr(x); if (!isSym(x = EVAL(car(x))) || !isExt(x)) return Nil; for (y = tail1(x); !isSym(y); y = cdr(cellPtr(y))); return y == At || y == At2? x : Nil; }

// (lock ['sym]) -> cnt | NIL any doLock(any ex) { any x; pid_t n; off_t blk;

x = cdr(ex); if (isNil(x = EVAL(car(x)))) F = 0, n = tryLock(0,0); else { NeedExt(ex,x); blk = blk64(name(x)); if (F >= Files) dbfErr(ex); n = tryLock(blk * BlkSize[F], 1); } return n? boxCnt(n) : Nil; }

int dbSize(any ex, any x) { int n;

db(ex,x,1); n = BLK + 1 + binSize(val(x)); for (x = tail1(x); isCell(x); x = cdr(x)) { if (isSym(car(x))) n += binSize(car(x)) + 2; else n += binSize(cdar(x)) + binSize(caar(x)); } return n; }

void db(any ex, any s, int a) { any x, y, *p;

if (!isNum(x = tail1(s))) { if (a == 1) return; while (!isNum(x = cdr(x))); } p = &cdr(numCell(x)); while (isNum(*p)) p = &cdr(numCell(*p)); if (!isSym(*p)) p = &car(*p); if (*p != At3) { // not deleted if (*p == At2) { // dirty if (a == 3) { *p = At3; // deleted val(s) = Nil; tail(s) = ext(x); } } else if (isNil(*p) || a > 1) { if (a == 3) { *p = At3; // deleted val(s) = Nil; tail(s) = ext(x); } else if (*p == At) *p = At2; // loaded -> dirty else { // NIL & 1 | 2 adr n; cell c[1];

Push(c[0],s); n = blk64(x); if (F < Files) { rdLock(); rdBlock(n*BLKSIZE); if ((Block[0] & TAGMASK) != 1) err(ex, s, "Bad ID"); *p = a == 1? At : At2; // loaded : dirty getBin = getBlock; val(s) = binRead(0); if (!isNil(y = binRead(0))) { tail(s) = ext(x = cons(y,x)); if ((y = binRead(0)) != T) car(x) = cons(y,car(x)); while (!isNil(y = binRead(0))) { cdr(x) = cons(y,cdr(x)); if ((y = binRead(0)) != T) cadr(x) = cons(y,cadr(x)); x = cdr(x); } } rwUnlock(1); } else { if (!isCell(y = val(Ext)) || F < unBox(caar(y))) dbfErr(ex); while (isCell(cdr(y)) && F >= unBox(caadr(y))) y = cdr(y); y = apply(ex, cdar(y), NO, 1, c); // ((Obj) ..) *p = At; // loaded val(s) = car(y); if (!isCell(y = cdr(y))) tail(s) = ext(x); else { tail(s) = ext(y); while (isCell(cdr(y))) y = cdr(y); cdr(y) = x; } } drop(c[0]); } } } }

// (commit ['any] [exe1] [exe2]) -> flg any doCommit(any ex) { bool note; int i, extn; adr n; cell c1; any x, y, z; ptr pbSave, ppSave; byte dirty[Files], buf[PIPE_BUF];

x = cdr(ex), Push(c1, EVAL(car(x))); if (!Log) ++Env.protect; wrLock(); if (Jnl) lockFile(fileno(Jnl), F_SETLKW, F_WRLCK); if (Log) { for (F = 0; F < Files; ++F) dirty[F] = 0, Fluse[F] = 0; for (i = 0; i < EHASH; ++i) { // Save objects for (x = Extern[i]; isCell(x); x = cdr(x)) { for (y = tail1(car(x)); isCell(y); y = cdr(y)); z = numCell(y); while (isNum(cdr(z))) z = numCell(cdr(z)); if (cdr(z) == At2 || cdr(z) == At3) { // dirty or deleted n = blk64(y); if (F < Files) { rdBlock(n*BLKSIZE); while (logBlock(), BlkLink) rdBlock(BlkLink); dirty[F] = 1; if (cdr(z) != At3) ++Fluse[F]; } } } } for (F = 0; F < Files; ++F) { if (i = Fluse[F]) { rdBlock(0); // Save Block 0 while (logBlock(), BlkLink && --i >= 0) // and free list rdBlock(BlkLink); } } putc_unlocked(0xFF, Log), putc_unlocked(0xFF, Log); fflush(Log); if (fsync(fileno(Log)) < 0) fsyncErr(ex, "Transaction"); } x = cddr(ex), EVAL(car(x)); if (data(c1) == T) note = NO, extn = EXTERN64; // Undocumented 64-bit DB export else { extn = 0; if (note = !isNil(data(c1)) && (Tell || Children)) tellBeg(&pbSave, &ppSave, buf), prTell(data(c1)); } for (i = 0; i < EHASH; ++i) { for (x = Extern[i]; isCell(x); x = cdr(x)) { for (y = tail1(car(x)); isCell(y); y = cdr(y)); z = numCell(y); while (isNum(cdr(z))) z = numCell(cdr(z)); if (cdr(z) == At2) { // dirty n = blk64(y); if (F < Files) { rdBlock(n*BLKSIZE); Block[0] |= 1; // Might be new putBin = putBlock; binPrint(extn, val(y = car(x))); for (y = tail1(y); isCell(y); y = cdr(y)) { if (isCell(car(y))) { if (!isNil(cdar(y))) binPrint(extn, cdar(y)), binPrint(extn, caar(y)); } else { if (!isNil(car(y))) binPrint(extn, car(y)), binPrint(extn, T); } } putBlock(NIX); setAdr(Block[0] & TAGMASK, Block); // Clear Link wrBlock(); if (BlkLink) cleanUp(BlkLink); cdr(z) = At; // loaded if (note) { if (PipePtr >= PipeBuf + PIPE_BUF - 12) { // EXTERN <2+1+7> END tellEnd(&pbSave, &ppSave, 0); tellBeg(&pbSave, &ppSave, buf), prTell(data(c1)); } prTell(car(x)); } } } else if (cdr(z) == At3) { // deleted n = blk64(y); if (F < Files) { cleanUp(n*BLKSIZE); if (note) { if (PipePtr >= PipeBuf + PIPE_BUF - 12) { // EXTERN <2+1+7> END tellEnd(&pbSave, &ppSave, 0); tellBeg(&pbSave, &ppSave, buf), prTell(data(c1)); } prTell(car(x)); } } cdr(z) = Nil; } } } if (note) tellEnd(&pbSave, &ppSave, 0); x = cdddr(ex), EVAL(car(x)); if (Jnl) fflush(Jnl), lockFile(fileno(Jnl), F_SETLK, F_UNLCK); if (isCell(x = val(Zap))) { outFile f, *oSave; char nm[pathSize(y = cdr(x))];

pathString(y, nm); if ((f.fd = open(nm, O_APPEND|O_CREAT|O_WRONLY, 0666)) < 0) openErr(ex, nm); f.ix = 0; f.tty = NO; putBin = putStdout; oSave = OutFile, OutFile = &f; for (y = car(x); isCell(y); y = cdr(y)) binPrint(0, car(y)); flush(&f); close(f.fd); car(x) = Nil; OutFile = oSave; } if (Log) { for (F = 0; F < Files; ++F) if (dirty[F] && fsync(BlkFile[F]) < 0) fsyncErr(ex, "DB"); fseek(Log, 0L, SEEK_SET); if (ftruncate(fileno(Log), 0)) truncErr(ex); } rwUnlock(0); // Unlock all unsync(); if (!Log) --Env.protect; for (F = 0; F < Files; ++F) Fluse[F] = -1; drop(c1); return T; }

// (rollback) -> flg any doRollback(any x) { int i; any y, z;

if (!Files && !isCell(val(Ext))) return Nil; for (i = 0; i < EHASH; ++i) { for (x = Extern[i]; isCell(x); x = cdr(x)) { val(y = car(x)) = Nil; for (z = tail1(y); isCell(z); z = cdr(z)); tail(y) = ext(z); z = numCell(z); while (isNum(cdr(z))) z = numCell(cdr(z)); cdr(z) = Nil; } } if (isCell(x = val(Zap))) car(x) = Nil; if (Files) rwUnlock(0); // Unlock all unsync(); return T; }

// (mark 'sym|0 ['NIL | 'T | '0]) -> flg any doMark(any ex) { any x, y; adr n, m; int b; byte *p;

x = cdr(ex); if (isNum(y = EVAL(car(x)))) { if (Marks) { for (F = 0; F < Files; ++F) free(Mark[F]); free(Mark), Mark = NULL, free(Marks), Marks = NULL; } return Nil; } NeedExt(ex,y); n = blk64(name(y)); if (F >= Files) dbfErr(ex); if (!Marks) { Marks = alloc(Marks, Files * sizeof(adr)); memset(Marks, 0, Files * sizeof(adr)); Mark = alloc(Mark, Files * sizeof(byte*)); memset(Mark, 0, Files * sizeof(byte*)); } b = 1 << (n & 7); if ((n >>= 3) >= Marks[F]) { m = Marks[F], Marks[F] = n + 1; Mark[F] = alloc(Mark[F], Marks[F]); memset(Mark[F] + m, 0, Marks[F] - m); } p = Mark[F] + n; x = cdr(x); y = *p & b? T : Nil; // Old value if (!isNil(x = EVAL(car(x)))) { if (isNum(x)) *p &= ~b; // Clear mark else *p |= b; // Set mark } return y; }

// (free 'cnt) -> (sym . lst) any doFree(any x) { byte buf[2*BLK]; cell c1;

if ((F = (int)evCnt(x, cdr(x)) - 1) >= Files) dbfErr(x); rdLock(); blkPeek(0, buf, 2*BLK); // Get Free, Next Push(c1, x = cons(mkId(getAdr(buf+BLK)/BLKSIZE), Nil)); // Next BlkLink = getAdr(buf); // Free while (BlkLink) { x = cdr(x) = cons(mkId(BlkLink/BLKSIZE), Nil); rdBlock(BlkLink); } rwUnlock(1); return Pop(c1); }

// (dbck ['cnt] 'flg) -> any any doDbck(any ex) { any x, y; bool flg; int i; FILE *jnl = Jnl; adr next, p, cnt; word2 blks, syms; byte buf[2*BLK]; cell c1;

F = 0; x = cdr(ex); if (isNum(y = EVAL(car(x)))) { if ((F = (int)unDig(y)/2 - 1) >= Files) dbfErr(ex); x = cdr(x), y = EVAL(car(x)); } flg = !isNil(y); cnt = BLKSIZE; blks = syms = 0; ++Env.protect; wrLock(); if (Jnl) lockFile(fileno(Jnl), F_SETLKW, F_WRLCK); blkPeek(0, buf, 2*BLK); // Get Free, Next BlkLink = getAdr(buf); next = getAdr(buf+BLK); Jnl = NULL; while (BlkLink) { // Check free list rdBlock(BlkLink); if ((cnt += BLKSIZE) > next) { x = mkStr("Circular free list"); goto done; } Block[0] |= TAGMASK, wrBlock(); // Mark free list } Jnl = jnl; for (p = BLKSIZE; p != next; p += BLKSIZE) { // Check all chains if (rdBlock(p), (Block[0] & TAGMASK) == 0) { cnt += BLKSIZE; memcpy(Block, buf, BLK); // Insert into free list wrBlock(); setAdr(p, buf), blkPoke(0, buf, BLK); } else if ((Block[0] & TAGMASK) == 1) { ++blks, ++syms; cnt += BLKSIZE; for (i = 2; BlkLink; cnt += BLKSIZE) { ++blks; rdBlock(BlkLink); if ((Block[0] & TAGMASK) != i) { x = mkStr("Bad chain"); goto done; } if (i < TAGMASK) ++i; } } } BlkLink = getAdr(buf); // Unmark free list Jnl = NULL; while (BlkLink) { rdBlock(BlkLink); if (Block[0] & TAGMASK) Block[0] &= BLKMASK, wrBlock(); } if (cnt != next) x = mkStr("Bad count"); else if (!flg) x = Nil; else { Push(c1, boxWord2(syms)); data(c1) = cons(boxWord2(blks), data(c1)); x = Pop(c1); } done: if (Jnl = jnl) fflush(Jnl), lockFile(fileno(Jnl), F_SETLK, F_UNLCK); rwUnlock(1); --Env.protect; return x; }



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