Maps of Meaning | Philosophy | Psychology

Jordan B. Peterson

Date 7th December 2016

Jordan Peterson is a Clinical Personality Psychologist. I am currently in Jordan Peterson mode. I get into these kinds of voracious moods whenever I find a new thinker that I admire or I am fascinated by. Some years ago it was Christopher Hitchens, Krishnamurti, etc... even before that it was Mandela, Ghandi, Swami Vivekananda, etc... More recently it was Daniel Dennet, Sam Harris, Stephan Molyneux, etc... Personality de jour is Jordan Peterson.

I love his psychoanalytic, mythic-religious observations of culture and its effects on todays world, where we came from and where we're going. What I love about his thinking is how orginal/unique it is amongst living philosophers.


  • Jordan Peterson Site
  • Jordan Peterson on Joe Rogan (YouTube Video)
  • University of Toronto Free Speech Debate - Jordan Peterson
  • jp1


    07dec16   admin