Javascript | Javascript kata |Node JS | Data Types | Variables | Control Flow | Scope and Environment | Objects | Functions | Events | Prototypal Inheritance | Three.js | 3DE Code Editor |

Node Js

  • Official Node Documentation
  • in Ubuntu the command defaults to nodejs not node
    ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node
  • Mixu's Node Book
  • Install NVM Manjaro Linux

    Use Node Version Manager, NVM.
    sudo pacman -S nvm
    nvm install --lts
    npm install "package name"
    nvm uninstall --lts

    Getting Started npm

    npm install <package-name>
     --save-dev        saves to devDependencies
     --no-save         saves to Dependencies
     --save-optional   saves to optionalDependencies
     -S --save
     -D --save-ve
     -O --save-optional
    npm update
    npm update <package-name>
    npm install <package-name>@<version>

    Running Tasks

    npm run <task-name>
            "start-dev": "node lib/server-development"
            "start": "node lib/server-production"
    npm run start-dev
    How do I find which version of V8 ships with a particular version of Node.js?
    node -p process.versions.v8

    http Server Sample

    const http = require('http');
    const hostname = '';
    const port = 3000;
    const server = http.createServer((req, res) => {
      res.status = 200;
      res.end('Hello World');
    server.listen(port, hostname, () => {
      console.log(`Server running at http://${hostname}:${port}/`);

    Development, Production Environment

            "start-dev": "node lib/server-development"
            "start": "node lib/server-production"

    in bash:
    export NODE_ENV=production
    NODE_ENV=production node app.js
    if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development'){
      app.use(express.errorHandler({ dumpExecptions: true, showStack: true }));
    if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'){
    if (['production', 'staging'].includes(process.env.NODE_ENV)){


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