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pacman -Syu
S stands for sync, y is for refresh (local cache), u is for system update.
pacman -R package_name_ ;to remove a package
To remove a package and its dependencies which are not required by any other installed package:
pacman -Rs _package_name_
pacman -Qdtq | pacman -Rs -
Search Packages Locally
pacman -Q  boost-libs    #Display version
pacman -Ql boost-libs    #Display file list provided by local package
pacman -Qk boost-libs    #Check the local package database
pacman -Qo /path/to/file #Check if the file is owned by any package
Search For Package on Net
pacman -Ss package
To search for package file names in remote packages:
pacman -F _string1_ _string2_ ...
To view the dependency tree of a package:
pactree _package_naenter code hereme_
Clear the Cache:
paccache -r
To remove all the cached packages that are not currently installed, and the unused sync database, execute:
pacman -Sc
To remove all files from the cache, use the clean switch twice, this is the most aggressive approach and will leave nothing in the cache folder:
pacman -Scc


  • Pacman-Command

  • http:///wiki/?pacman

    23aug22   admin
    Revision History