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Emacs Notes

Start an emacs server.
systemctl --user enable emacs
Close an emacs client, see delete-frame

Copy emacs text to the clipboard:
(custom-set-variables '(x-select-enable-clipboard t))

(global-set-key "C-w" 'clipboard-kill-region)
(global-set-key "M-w" 'clipboard-kill-ring-save)
(global-set-key "C-y" 'clipboard-yank)
2{Notes from Mastering Emacs}
In Emacs, the buffer is the data structure.

Useful tips

Use ‘C-x ESC ESC’ (‘repeat-complex-command’)

Navigating Parenthesis

C-M-n forward-list   Move forward over a parenthetical group

C-M-p backward-list  Move backward over a parenthetical group

C-M-f forward-sexp   Move forward over a balanced expression

C-M-b backward-sexp  Move backward over a balanced expression

C-M-k kill-sexp      Kill balanced expression forward

C-M-SPC mark-sexp    Put the mark at the end of the sexp.

Scale or Zoom Text

(text-scale-adjust 1)	C-x C-= or C-x C-+	Increase text size by one step
(text-scale-adjust -1)	C-x C–	                Decrease text-size by one step

Setting Fonts

Emacs Wiki Set Fonts


Record Macros

  1. Record: ctrl+x ( or 'q' in evil mode
  2. Perform any actions to record
  3. Stop recording by pressing ctrl+x or 'q' in evil mode)
  4. Play: ctrl+x e
Naming Macros
  1. Start: Ctrl+x Ctrl+k n
  2. Give name-of-macro, and press ENTER
  3. Play: M-x name-of-macro
Tabs and Spaces


15sep22   admin
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