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Internet - Exploitation
Social Engieering Technical
- phishing
- vishing - voice phishing
- spamming
- spear phising - uniquely identified target
- whaling - spear phishing VIPs
- spoofing IP and Mac
Social Engieering Non-Technical
- Tail gaiting - Silent Entry on the priveledge of another
- Piggy backing - Noisy (convincing) access
- Baiting - for example: USB Dumper
- War Chalking - a way of communicating information with code
- Dumpster Diving
- Rubber Hose Attacks
MAC Spoofing
- Hide Identity
- Privelage Escalation
- Crazy Call
- use telnet to talk a server
- hping3 - ip packet level spoofing
- Just Proxy VPN
- tor browser
- macchanger -r & -m
30nov16 | admin |