Network Protocols and Technologies
It probably hasn't escaped you attention that Computer Networks (Social and Otherwise) are possibly one of the most important technologies invented in the last century. But how do they work? I mean really work under the hood?Well you have come to the right place.
Network Technologies & Relay Systems
- Ethernet & IEEE 802.3
- Token Ring
- Fiber Distributed Data Interface
- Relay Systems
- Addressing Schemes
- Routing
- Address Resolution Protocol MAC Addresses
- Reverse Address Resolution Protocol
- Subnetting
Main Protocols
- Multi-Homing
- IP Datagrams
- IP Version 6
- Internet Control Messaging Protocol (ICMP)
- Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
- User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
- The Routing Information Protocol (RIP)
- Telnet
- Rlogin
- File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
- Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
- Booting Internet Hosts
- Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
Secondary Protocols
- Echo Protocol
- DiscardProtocol
- TimeProtocol
- DaytimeProtocol
- NetworkTimeProtocol
- LinePrinterDaemonProtocol
- Finger
- Whois
- Character Generation Protocol
- QouteOfTheDay
- UsersProtocol
Other Considerations
- Serial Line IP
- Filtering Packets on Different Protocols
Request for Comments
Before you start anywhere you probably want to keep this diagram in your mind. I lifted & modified from RFC-1180. I spent a lot of time confused about these diagrams and what they meant. If you are too, then please read this first.Module Diagram Protocol Layers (OSI & TCP/IP*) ---------------------------- Layer-4*-------------- | network applications | |Layer 7.Application | |... \ | / .. \ | / ...| |Layer 6.Presentation| | ----- ----- | |Layer 5. Session | | |TCP| |UDP| | |Layer 4. Transport | | ----- ----- | ---------------------- | \ / | | -------- | roughly | | IP | | translating Layer 3 .Internetwork | ----- -*------ | to | |ARP| | | | ----- | | | \ | | | ------ | | |ENET| | Layer 2. Link | ---@-- | ----------|----------------- | ----------------------o--------- Layer 1. Physical Ethernet CableThere are more that 2500 of this documents. An impossible task.
Below is a list of the most important ones to read.
- RFC-1180 A TCP/IP Tutorial
- RFC-793 Transmission Control Protocol
- RFC-2460 Internet Protocol, Version 6 (IPv6) Specification
Links, Sources and Reading List
- Faqs RFC's
- the geek stuff ip protocol
- MS IP Tech paper
- tcpipguide
04aug22 | admin |