The Map of Math

MSC Classification Codes

The Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC) is an alphanumerical classification scheme formulated by the American Mathematical Society. I am using it here to classify all the mathematics on this website.

General Math

History and biography

Mathematical logic and foundations


Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures

  • General algebraic systems
  • Number theory

    Field theory and polynomials

    Commutative rings and algebras

    Algebraic geometry

    Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory

    Associative rings and algebras

    Nonassociative rings and algebras

    Category theory; homological algebra


    Group theory and generalizations

    Topological groups, Lie groups

    Real functions

    Measure and integration

    Functions of a complex variable

    Potential theory

    Axiomatic potential theory

    Special functions (33-XX deals with the properties of functions as functions)

    Partial differential equations

    Dynamical systems and ergodic theory

    Difference and functional equations

    Sequences, series, summability

    Approximations and expansions

    Fourier analysis

    Abstract harmonic analysis

    Integral transforms, operational calculus

    Integral equations

    Functional analysis

    Operator theory

    Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization


    Convex and discrete geometry

    Differential geometry

    General topology

    Classical topics

    Manifolds and cell complexes

    Global analysis, analysis on manifolds

    Probability theory and stochastic processes


    Numerical analysis

    Computer science



    Mechanics of particles and systems

    Mechanics of deformable solids

    Optics, electromagnetic theory

    Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer

    Quantum theory

    Statistical mechanics, structure of matter

    Relativity and gravitational theory

    Operations research, mathematical programming

    Game theory, economics, social and behavioral sciences

    Biology and other natural sciences


    Communication, information

    Mathematics education

    08dec16   admin