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The Vikid PicoLisp Tutorial

Start picolisp
$ pil +
Set some values
(setq A '(This is the value))  # Set the value of 'A'

(put 'A 'key1 'val1)           # Store property 'key1'

(put 'A 'key2 'val2)           # and 'key2'
inspect them with 'show'

(show 'A)                      # Now 'show' the symbol 'A'

(put 'B 'a 'A)        # Put 'A' under the 'a'-property of 'B'

(setq Lst '(A B C))   # Create a list with 'B' as second argument

(show Lst 2 'a)       # Show the property 'a of the 2nd element of 'Lst'

using vi and v.
(vi '(A B))

(v A B)
The pretty-print function pp takes a symbol that has a function defined (or two symbols that specify message and class for a method definition).
(pp 'pretty)
more is a simple tool that displays the elements of a list one by one.
(more (1 2 3 4 5 6))
Optionally more takes a function as a second argument and applies that function to each element.
(more '(A B) show)
The what function returns a list of all internal symbols in the system which match a given pattern (with '@' wildcard characters).
(what "prin@")
The function who returns "who contains that", i.e. a list of symbols that contain a given argument somewhere in their value or property list.
(who 'print)
The function can returns a list which indicates which classes can accept a given message.
(can 'del>)
dep shows the dependencies in a class hierarchy.
(dep '+relation)
Defining Functions
(de hello ()
 (prinl "Hello world") )
call it
A function with one argument
(de hello (X)
 (prinl "Hello " X) )
Call it
(hello "world")
Preventing arguments evaluation and variable number of arguments. give the definition a single atomic parameter instead. PicoLisp will then bind all (unevaluated) arguments as a list to that parameter.
(de foo X
 (list (car X) (cadr X)) )
Mixing evaluated arguments and variable number of unevaluated arguments
(de foo (X Y . Z)     # Evaluate only the first two args
 (list X Y Z) )
Variable number of evaluated arguments
(de foo @
 (list (next) (next)) )

(de foo (X Y . @)
 (list X Y (next) (next)) )

(de foo @
 (while (args)                    # Check if there are some args left
    (let N (next)
       (println N (* N N)) ) ) )

(de foo @
 (while (args)
    (println (next) (args) (rest)) ) )

(de foo @
 (pass println 9 8 7)       # First print all arguments preceded by 9, 8, 7
 (pass + 9 8 7) )           # Then add all these values
There's no distinction between code and data in PicoLisp, quote will do what you want.
((quote (X) (* X X)) 9)

(setq f '((X) (* X X)))  # This is equivalent to (de f (X) (* X X))

Debugging: Tracing and single-stepping.
$ pil app/file1.l -"trace 'foo" -main -"debug 'bar" app/file2.l +
(de fact (N)
   (if (=0 N)
      (* N (fact (dec N))) ) )

(trace 'fact)
(trace '=0)
(trace '*)

(fact 3)

(untrace 'fact)
(mapc 'fun 'lst ..) -> any Applies fun to each element of lst.
(mapc untrace '(fact =0 *))
Debugging with debug
(pp 'stamp)

(de stamp (Dat Tim)
   (and (=T Dat) (setq Dat (date T)))
   (default Dat (date) Tim (time T))
   (pack (dat$ Dat "-") " " (tim$ Tim T)) )

(debug 'stamp)

(unbug 'stamp)
Functional I/O

(in "@lib.l" (read))

(in "@lib.l" (skip "#") (char))

(in "@lib.l" (while (from "nond") (println (read))))

(in "@lib.l" (from "(de ") (till " " T))

(in "f.l" (till NIL T))

(in "@doc/tut.html" (line T))

(in "@doc/tut.html" (line))

NIL: Besides the standard form, NIL is also recognized as (), [] or "".
-> NIL
: ()
-> NIL
: ""
-> NIL
Output will always appear as NIL.

28aug21   admin