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(new ['flg|num] ['typ ['any ..]]) -> obj 
Creates and returns a new object.

If flg is given and non-NIL, the new object will be an external symbol (created in database file 1 if T, or in the corresponding database file if num is given).

typ (typically a list of classes) is assigned to the VAL, and the initial T message is sent with the arguments any to the new object.

If no T message is defined for the classes in typ or their superclasses, the any arguments should evaluate to alternating keys and values for the initialization of the new object.

: (new)
-> $134426427
: (new T '(+Address))
-> {A3}
(new! 'typ ['any ..]) -> obj
Transaction wrapper function for new. (new! '(+Cls) 'key 'val ...) is equivalent to (dbSync) (new (db: +Cls) '(+Cls) 'key 'val ...) (commit 'upd).

See also request!, set!, put! and inc!.

: (new! '(+Item)  # Create a new item
   'nr 2                      # Item number
   'nm "Spare Part"           # Description
   'sup (db 'nr '+CuSu 2)     # Supplier
   'inv 100                   # Inventory
   'pr 12.50 )                # Price

see also box, object, class, type, isa, send and Database.


28aug21   admin