commonlisp | Functions | with-output-to-string


External Link: Macro WITH-OUTPUT-TO-STRING.

The macro WITH-OUTPUT-TO-STRING can be used to create a string output stream, and return the resulting string at the end.
with-output-to-string (var &optional string-form &key element-type)
declaration* form*

=> result*
element-type specifier is defaulted to character.
form* is implicit progn
  • with-output-to-string creates a character output stream
  • and performs a series of operation that output to the result.
  • automatically closed on exit
  • side effect: the string is modified
  • (with-output-to-string (str)
      (write-line "Foobar!" str)
      (write-string "Barfoo!" str))
    ;=> "Foobar!
    ;   Barfoo!"
    (let ((str (make-string-output-stream)))
      (write-line "Foobar!" str)
      (write-string "Barfoo!" str)
      (get-output-stream-string str))


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